The Story of Redemption


Revelation 14 contains a prophecy named "the first angel's message". This prophecy was fulfilled in the advent movement of l840-1844. SRme 1.1572

In Europe and in America, men of faith and prayer were excited as they read the first angel's message in Revelation. These men studied the time prophecies of the Bible, and discovered that the end of all things was near. The Holy Spirit urged these men to warn other people. The message of the everlasting gospel was spread far and wide: "Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come" (Rev. 14:7). SRme 1.1573

Every place missionaries went, they told the good news of Christ's soon return. In lands where no missionaries had gone, Christians studied the Bible by themselves. Many people discovered and believed that the Saviour's return was near. SRme 1.1574

Some countries of Europe had laws against religious freedom. In these countries God's Holy Spirit led little children to preach the advent message. Many people listened to the warning from God. SRme 1.1575

God used William Miller and his co-workers to preach the message in America. The gospel message started by William Miller went to far-away lands. William Miller was a farmer who had never believed the Bible until God sent angels to change his heart. The angels led him to search the Bible prophecies. SRme 1.1576

Angels often visited Miller. God Himself had chosen Miller. The angels guided Miller's mind. They helped him understand prophecies that God's people had never understood. Angels gave Miller the first verse of a group of Bible verses. The angels led Miller to search for a connecting verse, the same as a link in a chain. Miller discovered a beautiful chain of truth. Miller was filled with wonder and admiration for the Word of God. SRme 1.1577

In the past Miller thought the Bible was not from God. Miller now understood the beauty and glory of the Bible. He found that one part of the Bible explains other parts. Sometimes Miller could not understand a certain verse. Then he would find the verse explained in another part of the Bible. Miller regarded the sacred Word of God with joy, respect, and wonder. SRme 1.1578

As William Miller studied the prophecies, he was amazed to learn that the people of earth were living in the closing time of this world's history. But people did not know the end was near. Miller looked at the churches. He saw that the churches were corrupt. The churches had taken their love from Jesus and given their love to the world. The people of the churches were seeking worldly honor instead of honor from God. People were holding on to riches instead of laying up their treasures in heaven. William Miller saw insincere people, darkness, and death everywhere. William Miller was stirred by what he saw. God called Miller to leave his farm and go preach. God called Miller in the same way God had called Elisha to leave his (Elisha's) oxen and farm and follow the prophet Elijah. SRme 1.1579

William Miller was timid and young. Trembling, he began to tell the people about the mysteries of the kingdom of God. William Miller preached about the prophecies of the second coming of Jesus. Miller believed that the testimony of the Bible pointed to the coming of Jesus in the year l843. This news of Jesus' coming awakened widespread interest. Many people believed that Miller's explanation of the prophetic time was correct. These people received the truth humbly and with joy. Some ministers left their churches and their salaries to unite in preaching the coming of Jesus. SRme 1.1580

But only a few ministers accepted this message. The warning of Jesus' soon coming was preached mostly by believing Christians. To give the message farmers left their fields, mechanics left their tools, traders left their stores, and professional people left their work. But the number of workers was small compared with the work to be done. The things happening in the false churches and in the wicked world troubled the hearts of true workers. These workers willingly endured difficult work. They went without the comforts and needs of life to call people to repent and be saved. Satan fought against the preaching of Jesus' soon coming, but the message went forward. The message of Jesus' soon coming was accepted by many thousands of people. SRme 1.1581