The Story of Redemption



Rome was determined to destroy Luther, but God was his Protector. Luther's doctrines were heard everywhere--in schools, in homes, in castles of the nobles, in universities, in the palaces of kings. Brave men were rising everywhere to help the work of Luther. SRme 1.1532

Luther asked the emperor and leaders of Germany to help the Christian Reformation. Luther wrote about the pope: "It is a terrible thing to see the man who calls himself Christ's representative living in so much wealth that not an emperor can equal him. Is having so much wealth the same as the poor Jesus or the humble Peter? They say the pope is lord of the world. The pope says he is Christ's representative. Christ says, 'My kingdom is not of this world.' Can the power of a representative be greater than the power of the One he represents?" SRme 1.1533

Martin Luther wrote to the universities: "I am afraid that the universities will be the great gates of hell unless they earnestly study and explain the Holy Scriptures. The Scriptures must be written in the hearts of the youth. I advise people, Do not send your children where the Scriptures are not the most important subject taught. Every school where people do not continually search the Word of God must become corrupt." SRme 1.1534

This letter to the universities quickly spread through Germany. Luther's letter had a powerful influence upon the people. The whole nation united in reform. Luther's enemies wanted revenge. They urged the people to do something against Luther. The pope said Luther's doctrines must be condemned as evil. Sixty days would be given to Luther and his followers to take back their statements of belief or be put out of the Roman Catholic Church. SRme 1.1535

When the pope's law reached Luther, Luther said, "This law is unholy, false. SRme 1.1536

. . . Christ Himself is attacked . . . . I rejoice in having to suffer such troubles for the best of causes. Already I feel greater liberty in my heart. At last I know that the pope is antichrist (against Christ), and that his (the pope's) throne is that of Satan himself." SRme 1.1537

The pope of Rome still had power. Prison, persecution, and sword were used to frighten people into obedience. Everything seemed to show Luther's work was about to end. Weak and fearful people trembled before the pope's law. People had much sympathy for Luther, but many people felt they could not risk their lives in the cause of reform. SRme 1.1538