The Story of Redemption



God led Luther to decide to visit Rome. The pope had promised an SRme 1.1519

indulgence to everyone who would climb "Pilate's staircase" on their knees. One day, in Rome, Luther was climbing these stairs on his knees. Suddenly a loud voice seemed to say to him, "The just shall live by faith!" Luther jumped up from his knees and hurried from the place feeling shame and horror. SRme 1.1520

That verse, "The just shall live by faith," never lost its power on Luther. Now he understood more clearly the error of trusting to human works for salvation. Luther understood that it is necessary to have SRme 1.1521

1 Indulgence: a promise of freedom from punishment in purgatory. An indulgence is earned by doing some act approved by the Roman Catholic Church. SRme 1.1522

2 Pilate's staircase: stairs that were said to have been used by Jesus when He left the Roman judgment hall, and by a miracle were carried from Jerusalem to Rome. SRme 1.1523

continual faith in the sacrifice and ministry of Christ. He now understood the satanic deceptions of the papacy. He would always remember these deceptions. When Luther left the city of Rome, he also left his faith in Rome's doctrines. From that time the separation grew wider until Luther had no connection with the papal church. SRme 1.1524

After Luther returned from Rome, he received the degree of doctor of divinity from the University of Wittenberg. Now Luther could continually study the Scriptures he loved. Luther had taken a serious vow to study the Bible carefully and to preach honestly the Word of God. He would never again teach the doctrines of Rome. SRme 1.1525

Luther was more than a monk and a professor; he also was an authorized preacher of the Bible. He had been called as a shepherd to spiritually feed the people of God. These people were eager to hear truth. Luther said his doctrines would rest on the authority of the sacred Scriptures. This teaching of Luther struck at the base of papal power. This teaching contained the important principle of the Reformation. SRme 1.1526

Luther boldly began his work as a preacher and defender of truth. His voice was heard warning the people how terrible sin is. Luther taught that people cannot make themselves less guilty. They cannot escape punishment by their own good works. Nothing but repentance to God and faith in Christ can save sinful people. The grace of Christ is a free gift; Christ's grace cannot be bought. SRme 1.1527

Luther advised people not to pay money to have their sins forgiven. Luther taught people to look in faith to a crucified Redeemer. He spoke of his own experience in seeking salvation by humbly and painfully punishing himself. Luther said that when he looked away from himself and believed in Christ, he found peace and joy. SRme 1.1528

Luther's teachings attracted the attention of thoughtful people in all parts of Germany. Luther's sermons and writings spread truth that spiritually awakened and brightened the lives of thousands of people. A living faith was taking the place of ceremonies in the church. People were losing faith in the teachings of Rome. Luther tested every doctrine by the Word of God. God's Word was the same as a two-edged sword, changing the lives of the people. SRme 1.1529

The desire for spiritual growth was awakening everywhere. People were searching for righteousness as had not happened for centuries. People had accepted human ceremonies and human mediators for hundreds of years. Now people were turning in repentance and faith to Christ who had been crucified. SRme 1.1530

Martin Luther's writings and his doctrines were reaching every nation in the Christian world. The work spread to Switzerland and Holland. Copies of Luther's writings were taken to France and Spain. In England Luther's teachings were received as the word of life. The truth also reached Belgium and Italy. Thousands were awakening from their ignorance to the joy and hope of a life of faith. SRme 1.1531