The Gift of Prophecy (The Role of Ellen White in God’s Remnant Church)



1. We do not believe that the quality or degree of inspiration in the writings of Ellen White is different from that of Scripture. GP 76.11

2. We do not believe that the writings of Ellen White serve the same purpose as does Scripture, which is the sole foundation and final authority of Christian faith. GP 76.12

3. We do not believe that the writings of Ellen White are an addition to the canon of sacred Scripture. GP 76.13

4. We do not believe that the writings of Ellen White may be used as the basis of doctrine. GP 76.14

5. We do not believe that the study of the writings of Ellen White may be used to replace the study of Scripture. GP 76.15

6. We do not believe that Scripture can be understood only through the writings of Ellen White. GP 76.16

7. We do not believe that the writings of Ellen White exhaust the meaning of Scripture. GP 77.1

8. We do not believe that the writings of Ellen White are essential for the proclamation of the truths of Scripture to society at large. GP 77.2

9. We do not believe that the inspired writings of Ellen White are merely the product of Christian piety. GP 77.3

10. We do not believe that Ellen White’s use of literary sources and assistants negates the inspiration of her writings. GP 77.4

These affirmations and denials clearly indicate that while as a church, Seventh-day Adventists say the quality or degree of inspiration in the writings of Ellen White is no different from that of Scripture, to quote the denial: “We do not believe that the writings of Ellen White are an addition to the canon of Sacred Scripture.” It was concluded, therefore, that “a correct understanding of the inspiration and authority of the writings of Ellen White will avoid two extremes: (1) regarding these writings as functioning on a canonical level identical with Scripture, or (2) considering them as ordinary Christian literature.” 2 GP 77.5