The Gift of Prophecy (The Role of Ellen White in God’s Remnant Church)



1. We believe that Scripture is the divinely revealed Word of God and is inspired by the Holy Spirit. GP 76.1

2. We believe that the canon of Scripture is composed only of the sixty- six books of the Old and New Testaments. GP 76.2

3. We believe that Scripture is the foundation of faith and the final authority in all matters of doctrine and practice. GP 76.3

4. We believe that Scripture is the Word of God in human language. GP 76.4

5. We believe that Scripture teaches that the gift of prophecy will be manifest in the Christian church after New Testament times. GP 76.5

6. We believe that the ministry and writings of Ellen White were a manifestation of the gift of prophecy. GP 76.6

7. We believe that Ellen White was inspired by the Holy Spirit and that her writings, the product of that inspiration, are particularly applicable and authoritative to Seventh-day Adventists. GP 76.7

8. We believe that the purposes of the Ellen White writings include guidance in understanding the teaching of Scripture and application of these teachings with prophetic urgency to the spiritual and moral life. GP 76.8

9. We believe that the acceptance of the prophetic gift of Ellen White, while not a requirement for continuing church membership, is important to the nurture and unity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. GP 76.9

10. We believe that Ellen White’s use of literary sources and assistants finds parallels in some of the writings of the Bible. GP 76.10