Counsels On Diet and Foods -- Study Guide


Lesson 2—Diet and Spirituality

A. Reading and Study Assignment: Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp. 43-77 CD-SG 10.1

B. Study Questions CD-SG 10.2

(Complete the quotations by filling in the missing word or words. Answer the questions by writing your answers in the appropriate blanks. The numbers in parentheses at the end of each question indicate the pages where the answers are found in the text.) CD-SG 10.3

1. ” Temperance in _______________________ has more to do with our _____________ to _____________ than men realize.” (P.43) CD-SG 10.4

2. When we are careless and reckless in our habits and practices that concern our life and health, what are we doing? _____________________________ (P.43) CD-SG 10.5

3. ” The harmonious healthy __________ of all the ___________ of _________ and ________ results in ________________.” (P.44) CD-SG 10.6

4. ” A diseased body and disordered intellect, because of continual indulgence in __________________________________ make __________________________________________________ _____________ impossible.” (P.44) CD-SG 10.7

5. ” A clogged ____________ means a clogged _____________.” (P.46) CD-SG 10.8

6. What is the fruitful source of most church trials? ___________ ______________________________________(P.50) CD-SG 10.9

7. ” The sin of intemperate eating, eating too _________________, too __________, and of __________, ___________________ food, destroys the healthy action of the ___________________ organs, affects the brain, and perverts the __________________ ____________, preventing rational, calm, healthy thinking and acting.” (P.50) CD-SG 10.10

8. What debars the human agent from witnessing for the truth? _____________________________ (P.53) CD-SG 10.11

9. What is strengthened by the combination of physical labor with mental exertion?_____________________________________ ______________(P.55) CD-SG 10.12

10. ” As the light of truth is _____________ and _____________ ___________ it will work an entire reformation in the life and __________________ of all those who are sanctified through it.” (P.57) CD-SG 10.13

11. Sister White states that true sanctification is a ” living, active principle,” which ” enters into everyday life.” List three life habits that have a direct bearing on this:
a. _______________
b. _______________
c. _______________ (P.57)
CD-SG 10.14

12. When persons search the Scriptures with prayer to know the will of God, and then do His will from the heart, without one reservation or self-indulgence, what will they find? __________ (P.58) CD-SG 10.15

13. ” Indulgence of appetite strengthens the __________________ propensities, giving them the ascendancy over the _________ ________and _____________ powers.” (P.62) CD-SG 10.16

14. What are listed as stimulants and narcotics?
a. __________________
b. __________________
c. __________________
d. __________________
e. __________________ (P.63)
CD-SG 11.1

15. What is it that, strictly carried out, becomes a safeguard of the soul? _______________________________________ (P.64) CD-SG 11.2

16. What types of food are of no benefit to us? ______________ and _________________ (P.64) CD-SG 11.3

17. ” Men and women cannot violate ___________________ law by indulging ________________________ and ______________ ___________________and not violate the law of God.’’ (P.69) CD-SG 11.4

18. What is God’s design in regard to the great subject of health reform?___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ (P.70) CD-SG 11.5

19. What is God’s reason for restricting unnatural appetite? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ (P.72) CD-SG 11.6

20. a. When will health reform be given its proper place? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ CD-SG 11.7

b. Where?
(1) ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________
(2) _____________________________________________
(3) _____________________________________________
(4) ______________________________________________ (5) _____________________________________________ ________________________________________ (P.73)
CD-SG 11.8

21. “The work of _____________________________ is the Lord’s means for lessening ____________________ in our world and for ___________________ His church.” (P.77) CD-SG 11.9

C. Thought and Discussion Questions CD-SG 11.10

1. Is there a difference between breaking the laws of health and the law of Ten Commandments?

CD-SG 11.11

2. What foods should be served on the Sabbath day?

CD-SG 11.12

3. Is the practice of health reform important to an understanding of the truths of God?

CD-SG 11.13

4. Why does God prohibit certain foods?

CD-SG 11.14