Counsels On Diet and Foods -- Study Guide


Lesson 9—Diet a Rational Remedy; Fruits, Cereals, and Vegetables; Desserts

Reading and Study Assignment: Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp.301-335 CD-SG 24.1

Study Questions CD-SG 24.2

(Complete the quotations by filling in the missing word or words. Answer the questions by writing your answers in the appropriate blanks. The numbers in parentheses at the end of each question indicate the pages where the answers are found in the text.) CD-SG 24.3

1. “It is ________________________ to become familiar with the benefit of___________________ in case of sickness.” (P.301) CD-SG 24.4

2. What are the true remedies?
a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________
f. _______________________________________________
g. _______________________________________________
h. ________________________________________ (P.301)
CD-SG 24.5

3. When illness strikes many can do for themselves what others cannot do so well for them. What stands in the way of many in applying the three simple rules, including giving ” the stomach a chance for rest” ?
a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
c. _________________________________________ (P.304)
CD-SG 24.6

4. What is often the cause of sickness? ____________________ ____________________ (P.305) CD-SG 24.7

5. “___________________ we would especially recommend as a ___________________________ agency.” (P.309) CD-SG 24.8

6. ” Nicely prepared _______________ and ______________ in their CD-SG 24.9

season will be _____________________, if they are of the best CD-SG 24.10

_________________, not showing the slightest sign of CD-SG 24.11

_____________.” (P.309) CD-SG 24.12

7. What constitutes the diet chosen for us by the Creator?
a. ___________________
b. ___________________
c. ___________________
d. ___________________ (P.313)
CD-SG 24.13

8. “Those who eat ____________ are but eating ____________ and ________________ at second hand; for the _________ ____________ receives from these things the nutrition that produces growth.” (P.313) CD-SG 24.14

9. ” Fruits, grains, and vegetables, prepared in a ____________ way, free from ___________ and ______________ of all kinds, make, with ___________ or ___________, the most healthful diet.” (P.314) CD-SG 24.15

10. “_____________ is the real staff of life, and therefore every ____________ should ______________ in making it.” (P.315) CD-SG 24.16

11. In the chapter on ____________________ bread making, we learn that _____________ and ____________ should not be used. The “bread should be ____________ and ____________.” ” The loaves should be ________________, and so thoroughly baked that, as far as possible, the _______________________ shall be destroyed.” (P.316) CD-SG 25.1

12. When one article of diet is condemned, another is recommended to take its place. What can we use in place of hot biscuits raised with soda or baking powder?
a. ___________________
b. ________ (P.319, P.320)
CD-SG 25.2

13. What is more nutritious than plain wheat flour? _________ _________________________________________________ (P.321) CD-SG 25.3

14. “All should be acquainted with the ______________________ of fruits and _______________________ from the orchard and ________________.” (P.321) CD-SG 25.4

15. How may vegetables be made palatable? ________________ __________________________________(P.322) CD-SG 25.5

16. What food is not good for the stomach and clogs the system? _______________ (P.327) CD-SG 25.6

17. What are active causes of indigestion?
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. __________________________
d. __________________________
e. ___________________ (P.327)
CD-SG 25.7

18. Mrs. White avoided extremes in the matter of the use of sugar and also milk. How did she support this?
a. _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________ _____________________________________ (P.330)
CD-SG 25.8

19. “The free use of _____________ and _________ taken together should be avoided.” (P.331) CD-SG 25.9

20. Ellen White makes it plain that a moderate use of simple desserts is not a violation of principle. List four items she cites as examples:
a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________
d. ___________________________________ (P.333, P.334)
CD-SG 25.10

21. When should dessert be served? ________________________ __________________________________________ (P.334) CD-SG 25.11

C. Thought and Discussion Questions CD-SG 25.12

1. What is one of the most effective and least expensive ways of gaining good health?

CD-SG 25.13

2. How should fruit be prepared for winter?

CD-SG 25.14

3. What kind of bread should we serve on our tables?

CD-SG 25.15

4. Rich foods, what are they? Why is their free use discouraged

CD-SG 25.16