Counsels On Diet and Foods -- Study Guide


Lesson 5—Control of Appetite

A. Reading and Study Assignment: Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp. 145-170 CD-SG 16.1

B. Study Questions CD-SG 16.2

(Complete the quotations by filling in the missing word or words. Answer the questions by writing your answers in the appropriate blanks. The numbers in parentheses at the end of each question indicate the pages where the answers are found in the text.) CD-SG 16.3

1. “Christ has here left us a most important lesson. He would lay before us the danger of making our ___________________ and ___________________ paramount.” (P.146) CD-SG 16.4

2. What is the result of excessive eating and drinking?
a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________
d. _________________________________________ (P.146)
CD-SG 16.5

3. What is one of the strongest temptations man has to meet? ________________ (P.147) CD-SG 16.6

4. “The gratification of ________________________________ led to the sins that caused the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.” (P.147) CD-SG 16.7

5. What has increased with every succeeding generation? ________________________________ (P.149) CD-SG 16.8

6. “The first great evil was __________________ in _________ ________ and ____________.” (P.149) CD-SG 16.9

7. How does Satan secure his strongest hold on man?______ _________________ (P.150) CD-SG 16.10

8. What results follow the disregard of nature’s laws?
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________
c. ___________________________________ (P.151)
CD-SG 16.11

9. “And by passing over the ground which _________ must travel, our Lord has __________________________________ for us to ____________.” (P.152) CD-SG 16.12

10. “Not even by a ________________ did He yield to temptation.” (P.153) CD-SG 16.13

11. What are we to be constantly doing during this probation period? ________________________________________________ __________________________ (P.156) CD-SG 16.14

12. “Temperance in __________ , ___________ , ___________, and __________________ is one of the grand principles of the religious life.” (P.157) CD-SG 16.15

13. Our eternal welfare depends upon the use we make of what three things?
a. _____________________
b. _____________________
c. _____________________ (P.157)
CD-SG 16.16

14. “A ______________ meal should never be eaten until the stomach has had time to ____________ from the __________ of digesting the preceding meal. If a _________________ meal be eaten at all, it should be ________________, and several __________ before going to bed.” (P.158) CD-SG 16.17

15. “Perseverance in a self-denying course of ________________ and _____________ will soon make ________________, ______________________ food palatable, and it will soon be eaten with greater _____________________ than the epicure enjoys over his _______________________.” (P.159) CD-SG 17.1

16. ” If those who profess to be Christians desire to solve the questions so perplexing to them, why their _____________ are so ___________, why their __________ aspirations are so ___________, they need not, in many instances, go farther than the ___________________; here is cause enough, if there were no other.” (P.159) CD-SG 17.2

17. How are many incapacitated for labor?
a. ________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________ _________________ (P.160)
CD-SG 17.3

18. “There are men of excellent natural ability whose labor does not accomplish ___________ what it might if they were temperate in all things.” (P.163) CD-SG 17.4

19. Why have thousands gone to the grave, physical, mental, and moral wrecks? ______________________________________ _________________________________________________ _______________ (P.167) CD-SG 17.5

20. What is said about our association with unbelievers? __________________________________________ (P.168) 21. “A _________ and ___________ life, a life of ____________ over _________ and ___________ is possible to everyone who will unite his ______________, ______________ human will to the omnipotent, _________________ will of God.” (P.170) CD-SG 17.6

C. Thought and Discussion Questions CD-SG 17.7

1. What important lessons should we learn from Noah’s day and from ancient Sodom?

CD-SG 17.8

2. Why did God allow Israel to eat flesh?

CD-SG 17.9

3. Is sickness always an act of God?

CD-SG 17.10

4. In what way were Christ’s temptations similar to ours?

CD-SG 17.11