Acts of the Apostles -- Study Guide
Lesson 18
Reading: The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 359-71
1. What principle of God’s character is to be the basis of all Christian ministry (359:1)?
AA-SG 37.1
2. How did Jesus try to establish this principle in the hearts of His disciples (359:2)?
AA-SG 37.2
3. What is one of the major responsibilities of the ambassadors of Christ (360:1-361:1)?
AA-SG 37.3
4. What will be the end result if the ambassador loses his spiritual sensitivity and fails in his responsibilities (361:1)?
AA-SG 37.4
5. As the faithful watchman is guided by the Holy Spirit, what will he be able to do (361:2-362:0)?
AA-SG 37.5
6. What degree of commitment is required of a co-worker with Christ (362:1, 2)?
AA-SG 37.6
7. How do co-workers with Christ receive power in their ministries (362:3-363:0)?
AA-SG 37.7
8. Against what must the minister guard himself? How is he to do this, and why (363:1)?
AA-SG 37.8
9. Why is house-to-house ministry important (363:2-365:0)?
AA-SG 37.9
10. How else is the minister today to follow Christ’s method of labor (365:1)?
AA-SG 38.1
11. What about moonlighting (365:2-367:0)?
AA-SG 38.2
12. What can we learn from Paul’s training of Timothy and Titus (367:3-368:1)?
AA-SG 38.3
13. How can this principle be applied by a minister to his local congregation?
AA-SG 38.4
14. What assurance does God give to all who dedicate themselves to work for Him (368:3-371:1)?
AA-SG 38.5
Thought Question: How can the instruction found in this chapter be applied to laymen who hold positions of responsibility in local churches?
AA-SG 38.6