The Adventist Home -- Study Guide


Answers to Section XIII

1. A recognition of God’s ownership.
2. Our willingness or reluctance.
3. Systematic benevolence (laying aside weekly the tithes and offerings).
4. The sin of covetousness.
5. All.
6. Economy, industry, sobriety.
7. Pride, extravagance, love of display.
8. Wantonness, extravagance, display.
9. To get out of the cities and make a home in the country.
10. By the gathering up of the fragments after the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000.
11. Outgoes, income.
12. The child who works his way through.
13. By having a plot of land to cultivate.
14. In childhood.
15. Proverbs.
16. The eighth.
17. Snare.
18. Pennies, dollars.
19. Economical managers.
20. Reserved.
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