The Adventist Home -- Study Guide


Answers to Section XII

1. Their children’s character.
2. Rules.
3. Obedience and respect for parental commands.
4. Authority and love.
5. a.(2). b.(3). c.(1).
6. Children speaking to each other in harsh tones.
7. Children being bound to their mother.
8. Headstrong, defiant, rebellious children.
9. Work together.
10. In the home.
11. A saint.
12. The consistent lives of the parents.
13. Licentiousness.
14. No excuse.
15. Tempters.
16. Adultery.
17. Marriage and the Sabbath.
18. To his children.
19. His wife, children, and family helpers.
20. By working through unconsecrated companions.
21. True.
22. True.
23. Educated.
24. Ceases.
25. Respect, love.
AH-SG 69.1