The Adventist Home -- Study Guide


Answers to Section XIV

1. The avenues of the soul.
2. To paralyze them so that cautions, warnings, and reproofs are not heard.
3. That they cannot harm us against our consent.
4. Educates it to familiarity with sin.
5. Temptation.
6. The words of Psalm 101:3, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.”
7. Terrible curse.
8. Imagination.
a. Knowledge.
b. Demoralize.
c. Brain.
d. Tables.
e. Exciting.
10. By planting the seeds of truth in their hearts.
11. To control their desire for reading and provide pure, good reading.
12. The mind loses its power of connected and vigorous thought.
13. A large share of the periodicals and books overspreading the land.
14. No.
AH-SG 71.1