The Gift of Prophecy


The Spirit of Prophecy

For more than a century, succeeding sessions of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists have affirmed the abiding confidence of the remnant church in, and continued for, the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy manifested in the writings of Ellen G. White. GOP 403.1

Ninety years have now passed since Ellen G. White came in 1885 to visit the emerging church in Europe. Today, the world session of the General Conference meets for the first time on this continent. On July 16, 1915, her tireless pen was laid down and her entreating voice stilled. Thus 60 years have already elapsed since she spoke and wrote as the Lord’s messenger. Times have changed since Sister White wrote her inspired counsel from the United States, Europe, and Australia. The world of the past quarter of the twentieth century is a very different one from that which existed at the turn of the century. However, in reading the books, testimonies, and articles written by Mrs. White—now increasingly available also in non-English languages—we discover a quality of timelessness, and we sense that her writings come to grips in a realistic and contemporary way with the issues confronting God’s people at this time. GOP 403.2

The fundamental principles set forth in the Spirit of Prophecy writings do not shift back and forth with the passage of time. The teachings and instructions given in the early days of this movement are safe counsel to follow in these its latter days. Though the Advent Movement has now spread out from North America and Europe to the ends of the earth and is truly a worldwide family of believers, as delegates coming from all continents and scores of lands we recognize that the principles so vigorously and so clearly enunciated by Sister White apply, with equal value and consistency, to God’s church around the globe. These writings lift up Christ and His Word, foster Biblical doctrines and standards, encourage personal piety, devotion and sacrifice, spiritual and physical health, church unity and effectual methods of work, provide a clearer understanding of our times and coming events, and offer needed warnings, admonitions, and reproof. GOP 403.3

Recommended, 1. To record that we, the delegates attending the 52nd session of the General Conference, as did the delegates attending the fifth session in 1867, express our gratitude to God for the perpetuity of spiritual gifts during the gospel dispensation, and for the Spirit of Prophecy that means so much more to the remnant church in these last days. GOP 403.4

2. In order to more fully understand the Scriptures and God’s purposes for His people, to call upon all Seventh-day Adventists throughout the world to prayerfully study these writings, together with the Scriptures, for the spiritual uplift and guidance they provide in daily life and in preparation for the Second Advent. “Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper” (2 Chron. 20:20). GOP 403.5

It was further, GOP 404.1

Recommended, To adopt the following proposals concerning the Spirit of Prophecy writings: GOP 404.2

1. That editors of our church papers regularly draw the attention of the church members to the need and privilege of reading the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy with a view to preparing a people to meet their coming Lord. GOP 404.3

2. That all church members, and especially those whose training and profession bring them in close contact with the scholarly and academic worlds, be made still more aware of the value of the writings of Sister White by greater familiarity with those concepts that are receiving increasing scientific corroboration. GOP 404.4

3. That our church and institutional administrators, in their leadership roles, give even more careful heed than heretofore to the counsel received through the Spirit of Prophecy. GOP 404.5

4. That special plans for the purchase of Ellen G. White books by denominational workers be continued and promoted; as well as plans to continue offering to our members the lowest prices possible at camp meetings and other special meetings. GOP 404.6

5. That the Spirit of Prophecy committees in the overseas divisions should, with the support of the E. G. White Estate, the publishing houses, and the various conference organizations, take an interest in having the major writings translated and published, even in the language areas where the membership is small. GOP 404.7

6. That students and workers be encouraged to make active use of the rich research materials being gathered at the E. G. White SDA Research Centers established in different parts of the world. This will facilitate and stimulate useful research and keep alive and strengthen confidence in the Ellen G. White writings, especially among the younger generation. 21 GOP 404.8