The Gift of Prophecy


The Spirit of Prophecy

Whereas, We recognize that the strength and security of God’s people accrues from Heaven- given instruction as God has spoken through the prophets’ messages recorded in the Scriptures, we dedicate our hearts to an earnest study of the Bible making it the man of our counsel. GOP 401.2

Whereas, God in His providence and in harmony with the promise of His Word has placed in the church of the remnant the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy for the “comfort of His people, and to correct those who err from Bible truth” (Early Writings, page 78), and GOP 401.3

Whereas, This gift as manifested in the life and work of Ellen G. White “to bring the minds of His people to His word” (Testimonies, vol. 5, page 663) and to instruct concerning “the course that He would have them pursue” (ibid., page 661) provides safe guidance in difficult times; supplies windows through which we may view the future; gives protection from the wiles of the evil one; instructs concerning God’s will; furnishes sound guidance for the functioning of the many lines of the work of the church; and causes God’s people to “see eye to eye and be of the same mind” (ibid., vol. 3, page 361), thus providing the church and its members with a unique and definite advantage, and GOP 401.4

Whereas, As families and churches had united in a renewed thoughtful, prayerful study of the Spirit of Prophecy counsels, especially as found in the Testimonies for the Church there has been evidenced the special leading and marked blessing of God, and GOP 401.5

Whereas, We recognize that the reformation and revival for which the church longs and seeks cannot take place in its fullness until all the means God employs to purify His church and prepare His people for the events of the last days and for translation are fully appreciated and acted upon, therefore, GOP 401.6

Resolved, 1. That we place on record our humble but sincere words of gratitude for this gift, recognizing the great blessing it has been and is to us, and declare the disposition of our hearts to receive, accept, and follow it. That we earnestly appeal to our members throughout the world to recall God’s special providential leading by means of the Spirit of Prophecy through the years of our history and avail themselves of information concerning this gift in the church in its world outreach and thoughtfully and prayerfully judge by the “weight of evidence” (ibid., vol. 5, page 675). GOP 401.7

2. That we encourage throughout the world concerted study programs utilizing the Spirit of Prophecy books available to our members, and that we GOP 401.8

a. Concentrate on study of the Testimony counsels by continuing and broadening the coverage with the Testimony Countdown program where the Testimonies in the nine volumes are available. GOP 401.9

b. Encourage the divisions in areas where the nine-volume set of Testimonies to the Church are not available to launch into this unique study plan utilizing the three-volume Testimony Treasures in English and other languages in which it is available; or the more compact Counsels for the Church in areas where these, in one or more volumes, serve. GOP 402.1

c. Suggest that the study of the Testimonies be followed by concerted study of Christ in His Sanctuary and other of the Ellen G. White books, for many of which study guides are available. GOP 402.2

3. That sensing the lateness of the hour, and the vital importance of a sound understanding of the place of the Spirit of Prophecy in the Seventh-day Adventist Church we intensify our efforts to inform all members, especially the youth and those new in the faith, concerning the place and operation of the gift, utilizing publications available and especially “The Prophetic Guidance Correspondence Course.” GOP 402.3

4. That we call upon the world divisions of the church to accelerate their efforts to make the Spirit of Prophecy counsels available to our members in vernacular languages, making use of approved, innovative, and inexpensive methods to reach this goal. In lands with few Ellen G. White messages available, study should be given to ways and means for providing the compact but comprehensive grouping of Spirit of Prophecy materials in Counsels for the Church. GOP 402.4

5. That we urge all divisions to give careful study to the selection of key individuals who give promise of ability and enthusiasm to give promotion to the Spirit of Prophecy in our churches and institutions. GOP 402.5

6. That throughout the world field special efforts be undertaken to present the Spirit of Prophecy in an interesting, helpful, and relevant way to the youth of the Advent Movement through such means as an annual Spirit of Prophecy Emphasis Week observed in all Seventh-day Adventist schools, and in the issuance of appropriate Spirit of Prophecy materials, and materials designed to inform and instruct concerning this important gift in the church. GOP 402.6

7. That we encourage the White Estate, the Department of Education, and the Ministerial Association to press on in the development of aids for the presentation and teaching of the Spirit of Prophecy in our schools, our churches, and evangelistic meetings. GOP 402.7

8. That we call upon our publishing forces in the production and marketing of literature distributed by colporteurs to continue to emphasize the sale of the Heaven-inspired volumes such as The Great Controversy, Patriarchs and Prophets, The Desire of Ages and Christ’s Object Lessons from the pen of Ellen G. White. GOP 402.8

9. That in these times of rapid change and crumbling standards, with the questioning of long established Bible-based positions both in doctrine and in manner of life, attested to by the Spirit of Prophecy, we call upon all Seventh-day Adventists to recognize that while there are areas in which principle is not involved and change is acceptable and even desirable, there are truths and standards which are not negotiable, that what “was truth” in the early days “is truth today” (Selected Messages, book 2, p. 104), and that the standards God has set and especially called to our attention in preparing a people for translation are the standards by which He will in the day of reckoning judge the character and determine the fitness for the reward of eternal life. 20 GOP 402.9