The Gift of Prophecy


Resolution on Spirit of Prophecy

[Following is a resolution that was voted at the General Conference session Friday, August 3, 1962. We did not get it into the published bulletin, and are therefore asking that it be published in this issue of the REVIEW.—W. R. Beach.] GOP 399.1

Whereas, The Lord through the Spirit of Prophecy has spoken to His church in these last days “to bring the minds of His people to His word” (Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 663); to impart to us a clearer understanding of future events and our mission and destiny as a people; to call attention to Bible “principles for the formation of correct habits of living” (Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 663, 664); “for the comfort of His people” (Early Writings, p. 78); and to prepare us to meet the Lord; and GOP 399.2

Whereas, The Spirit of Prophecy counsels have been given to build unity in God’s church and to cause His people to “see eye to eye and be of the same mind” (Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 361); “to correct specious errors and to specify what is truth”— E. G. White letter 117, 1910; and to “confirm the faith of’ His people “in the position they have taken” (Selected Messages, book 1, p. 41); and GOP 399.3

Whereas, The experience of the years has taught us the wisdom of these counsels—wisdom that is sorely needed as we enter the last days of conflict, when the people preparing for the second advent of their Lord need the special guidance God has so graciously provided; therefore GOP 399.4

Resolved, that we express to God our deep-felt gratitude for the gracious provisions He has made in the Spirit of Prophecy writings for the protection and guidance of His church, and further GOP 399.5

We recommend, 1. That church members throughout the world be urged to study carefully and give earnest heed to the Spirit of Prophecy counsels. GOP 399.6

2. That they be encouraged to continue to build Spirit of Prophecy libraries in their homes that they might have at hand the wealth of counsel so vital in this hour. GOP 399.7

3. That a special effort be made to encourage the purchase and use of E. G. White books that offer instruction in soul-winning work and guidance to the church in its last final effort to win men to God’s kingdom. GOP 399.8

4. That we call to the attention of Seventh-day Adventists, and especially new members, the sound knowledge concerning the Spirit of Prophecy which may be theirs as the result of pursuing courses of study, such as the Prophetic Guidance Correspondence Course, and that our pastors be encouraged to conduct Prophetic Guidance schools periodically in their local churches. GOP 399.9

5. That pastors and church officers be encouraged to continue their observance of Spirit of Prophecy Sabbath each year, devoting the preaching hour of the Sabbath to a consideration of this theme. GOP 399.10

6. That we earnestly urge our brethren in overseas areas: GOP 399.11

a. To press forward with unabated zeal in the excellent work of translating and publishing the Spirit of Prophecy books in the languages of their constituencies; GOP 399.12

b. To take full advantage of the newly designed “Spirit of Prophecy Book of the Year” plan which makes available to all English-reading members one basic E. G. White book each year at a greatly reduced price; GOP 399.13

c. To participate heartily in the newly designed plan for making the English editions of the E. G. White books available to workers at prices within their purchasing power, capitalizing on the great potential of the English-reading ability of many of our overseas workers. GOP 400.1

d. To promote Prophetic Guidance courses in their languages. GOP 400.2

7. That church members in all lands be reminded that it is increasingly essential that the writings be studied in their proper context in the E. G. White books. GOP 400.3

8. That we encourage workers and laity to avail themselves of the new three volume Comprehensive Index to the Writings of Ellen G. White which will serve as a most valuable aid in the study of the Spirit of Prophecy counsels. GOP 400.4

9. That the leaders of our publishing work, and literature evangelists throughout the world, be encouraged to undertake, with an increasing sense of the time in which we live, the ever-widening distribution of the subscription editions of the Spirit of Prophecy books that are designed to enlighten the world concerning the times in which we live, and the dramatic issues just before us. 18 GOP 400.5