The Gift of Prophecy


The Spirit of Prophecy

Whereas, We recognize that in the early days of the remnant church there was given to it the gift of the Spirit of prophecy, and through this gift by voice and pen during the life of Ellen G. White and through her writings since her death, we have been counseled, guided, and led to higher plans of spiritual experience, to higher standards, and to a clear concept of coming events, and GOP 397.4

Whereas, We recognize that the principles set forth in the Spirit of prophecy writings do not change with the passage of the years, that “time and trial have not made void the instruction given,” and “the instruction that was given in the early days of the message is to be held as safe instruction to follow in these its closing days” (R & H, July 18, 1907), and GOP 397.5

Whereas, We recognize the value of the Spirit of prophecy messages to the church throughout the world and that the principles enunciated by the servant of the Lord in Europe, Australasia, and North America are of equal value to the church in all lands in fostering Bible standards, encouraging the spirit of devotion and sacrifice, and guarding and unifying the church, therefore be it GOP 397.6

Resolved: 1. That we reaffirm our fundamental belief: a. That God has placed in His church the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that these gifts, operating in harmony with the divine principles of the Bible, are given for the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ, and that the gift of prophecy, one of the identifying marks of the remnant church, was manifested in the life and ministry of Ellen G. White. GOP 397.7

b. That the writings of Mrs. E. G. White were given to the church, not as a substitute for the Holy Scriptures, nor as a new rule of faith, but for the spiritual uplift of the church, for instruction, for warning, for reproof, for admonition, for illumination of doctrine, and for the special guidance of God’s people through these perilous last days. GOP 397.8

2. a. That we call our church members throughout the world to a diligent study of the Spirit of prophecy writings as they may be available in their languages and to a practical application in the individual lives and work of the church. GOP 398.1

b. That we encourage all overseas fields to hasten the publication of the Spirit of prophecy books. We commend the course now being followed in many fields in developing the “Introductory Spirit of Prophecy Library,” to be followed by other of the books as circumstances may indicate. GOP 398.2

c. That we encourage our administrators, evangelists, and pastors to provide for the adequate presentation of the doctrine of the Spirit of prophecy and its value and place in the church, at our large gatherings, in our evangelistic meetings, and in our local churches, and that the annual Spirit of Prophecy Sabbath be observed. GOP 398.3

d. That we urge our church members to build a Spirit of prophecy library in their homes, thus making readily available to all members of the family the timely and helpful “counsels, warnings, and reproofs,” so much needed in these perilous days. GOP 398.4

3. a. That as the truth presented in the E. G. White books written for circulation among that general public “is light needed to arouse the people to prepare for the great day of God, which is just before us and these books contain God’s direct appeal to the people” (MS 23, 1890), we encourage every Seventh-day Adventist to join in the wide dissemination of these inspired books and particularly during 1954 in giving an unprecedented circulation to The Great Controversy with its vital message, placing the special one-dollar missionary edition in English in as many homes as possible. GOP 398.5

b. That we call our colporteur evangelists to a renewed effort to distribute the message-filled Spirit of prophecy subscription books. GOP 398.6

c. That we urge the publishers of the E. G. White subscription books in English to hasten the completion of the work of making the five volumes of the Conflict of Ages Series, in its entirety, available for colporteur sale, taking such steps as may be necessary to furnish to the world the inspired volumes presenting the whole Bible story either in the single volumes or in the form of the popular Treasures of Life Series. GOP 398.7

4. That we express appreciation to the publishers of the E. G. White books in North America for the steps they have taken in issuing no less than twenty-one of these volumes in the inexpensive, convenient form of the Christian Home Library, and GOP 398.8

We recommend, That as rapidly as consistent with publishing procedures the list of Spirit of prophecy books in this form be extended, thus assuring an ever-widening distribution of these volumes, which are of inestimable value to the church. 17 GOP 398.9