EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)



Gabriel - Generation, Generations


Gabriel, angel next in rank to Christ DA 99, 234, 693, 780; MH 379

Christ strengthened in Gethsemane by 5BC 1123

Cyrus aided by PK 571-2

Daniel instructed by 4BC 1173; DA 97-9, 233-4; GC 325-6; PK 556, 698; SL 48-51

Darius the Mede strengthened by PK 556

German fanatic’s claim re GC 186

God’s purposes opened to men by DA 99

health reform discourse by 3T 62

Jesus’ mother instructed by DA 81-2, 98

John instructed by DA 99, 234

John the Baptist’s father instructed by 5BC 1114; CD 225; DA 97-8; Te 91, 269

parents instructed by, re care of babies CD 225; MH 379

Persian king influenced by SL 51

Persian king resisted 21 days 4BC 1173

prophets instructed by 3T 80

referred to in Rev. 1:1 DA 99


human nature taken by, would seem important, but Christ came LHU 34


Gad, prophet PP 747-8

Gad, tribe of

Gad, tribe of 2BC 999

inheritance of PP 517


Gadara, heathenism in DA 334, 405; MB 4; MH 98

two demoniacs of, healed DA 339-41, 404; GC 514-5; MH 95-9


Gaiety, scenes of, in which Satan presides MYP 278

money for building sanctuary was not raised by resorting to CS 203

that turns into gloom DA 148

why Satan leads people in round of Ev 26

Gain, Gains

Gain, Gains, ambition to get, rife among God’s people 1T 469

apparent, proving at last to be irrecoverable loss PK 212; 5T 199

chase for, men rush on in COL 228

Christ would not consent to wrong act for DA 72

church should not appeal to desire for, to replenish treasury GC 474

danger of counting, as godliness 4T 351

deception that, is godliness 1T 541

desire for: absorbing passion today PK 650

deceitfulness of 1T 477

inordinate, leads professed Christians to ape world CS 143

rulers actuated by GC 586

selfishness begotten by CS 20

spirituality deadened by CS 20

dishonorable, loss is infinitely better than 8T 93

God works through persons who discern, in loss 7T 272

gotten in ambitious pursuits, often stings like adder 2T 336

great, godliness with contentment is 1T 541

greed for, terrible effects of MH 337-8

greedy of, be less 1T 482

honor sold for 4T 310

hope of getting, many unjust deeds done in MM 154

ill-gotten, obtained through deception and fraud PK 276

love of 2T 619-31

danger of cherishing 2T 674

eclipses heavenly treasure 2T 183

God’s cause injured by 4T 350

God’s people should not be seduced by 4T 356

increased among believers 2T 674

inordinate, Christ pointed out danger of 3T 243-51; 4T 82

Judas Iscariot ruined by CS 219-20

may become ruling passion 4T 51

ministers warned against 2T 627

more and more prevalent 9T 62

prominent with many ministers 2T 619

selfish, let your life record be unspotted with 2T 155

selfish, rules lives of worldlings 3T 382

should not be once named among SDA 6T 317

sordid, perverts and debases man’s powers 3T 126

wars against Spirit 4T 351

lust for, persons selling soul and body through 1T 476

man greedy for, warning to 2T 237-8

man whose love for, increased with age 2T 238

many people greedy of 5T 97

mental and physical health sacrificed for 1T 478

never stamp your life record in heaven with false dealings for sake of 2T 72

no, without deposit TM 166

obtained by deviating from strict integrity is loss 4T 335-6

obtained by selfish transactions, God accepts into His treasury no CS 145

obtained by taking advantage of people, is fearful loss PK 652

passion for: man who had 3T 544

poverty and toil preferable to PK 652; 4T 490

widows and orphans oppressed by PK 652; 4T 490

person devoting all his powers to, worships other gods CS 145

professedly good Christians who love, more than souls of men CS 123

promise of, not held out to Christ’s first disciples MH 479

pursuit of, many professed Christians enfeeble their powers in GC 474

robbing God is, that is loss 5T 272

sin of taking advantage of blind man for sake of 3T 511-21

soul and body bartered for 2T 242

sudden and exorbitant, warning not to seek CS 231

that is loss COL 252-9

thirst for, man who had 3T 249

unlawful, hidden among church members PP 497

when, of lifetime will be suddenly swept away GC 654

worldly: anxious seekers for, blind and insane 2T 600; 3T 250

danger of losing all in pursuit of CS 217

eternal inheritance bartered for COL 53

increasing passion for 1T 531

men compass land and sea for SD 275

many professed Christians anxious for 2T 575, 600

professed Christians sacrificing conscience for 2T 440

Satan uses, to tempt God’s people PP 440

sin of sacrificing religion for sake of 4T 252

See also Money; Profit; Riches; Wealth

Gain getting

Gain getting, spirit of, contradictory to SDA faith and doctrine CS 231-2

Gain seeking

Gain seeking, time should not be given to GC 488


Gait, staggering drunkard’s Te 32

See also Walking

Gaiter boots

Gaiter boots, references to 1T 462-4

thin-soled, children wearing 2SM 470

See also Shoe


Gaius, of Derbe AA 390


Galatia, Paul labored in AA 207, 281

Galatian, Galatians

Galatian, Galatians, idol worshipers AA 207

Paul’s life among AA 208

Galatians, Epistle to:

Galatians, Epistle to: law of God in 1SM 233-5

Paul wrote, at Corinth AA 383-4

in his later years AA 208

to expose Judaizing teachers 6BC 1108

Galatian believers

Galatian believers, apostasy among, rebuked AA 384, 388

Paul’s handling of AA 383-8; 6BC 1108; Ev 358; 5T 243

false teachers among AA 383-4; 5T 243

Galatian church, Galatian churches

Galatian church, Galatian churches, Crescens sent from Rome to AA 490

Paul revisited AA 281

Galatians, law in

brought up (1888); unity and prayer needed 3SM 167

issue in 1888 on, was not vital; perverted ideas 3SM 175

question of, not to be dropped, but better spirit needed 3SM 174:2

views of, feared destructive 3SM 174:3

Galba, Servius S.

Galba, Servius S., Roman emperor AA 497

Galilean, Galileans

Galilean, Galileans, bigotry among, less in Christ’s time DA 232

Christ lived simple life of SD 129

insurrection rife among DA 360-1; MB 70

liberty-loving people DA 260

rabbis of Jerusalem despised DA 232

slaughtered in temple area COL 212-3


Galilee, apostles’ first miss. tour in DA 360

caravans from, Passover attended by DA 80

Christ labored some months in, before Sermon on Mount MB 2

Christ met unbelief in DA 405

Christ traveled on foot through DA 349

Christ’s appearance to disciples in, after resurrection DA 674, 793, 809-17

Christ’s appearance to 500 believers in, after resurrection DA 818

Christ’s ministry in DA 196-200, 231-334, 343-98, 405-42, 485-96

condemnation in Judea opened way for DA 196

departure from Judea to begin MB 2

opposition to DA 360-1

Christ’s return to, after baptism DA 144

hills of SC 82

Joseph and Mary dwelt among DA 44

insurrection rife in DA 360-1; MB 70

John the Baptist’s preaching reported throughout DA 109

Judeans came to hear Christ in DA 232

mountain in, gospel commission given on DA 818

population of, large mixture of foreign inhabitants in DA 66, 232

province of, population crowded in DA 232

remnant of ten tribes left in, by Assyrians PK 567

Roman troops stationed throughout MB 69

tetrarch of, Herod Agrippa I as AA 143; SR 292 See also Herod Agrippa I

Herod Antipas as DA 728, 731 See also Herod Antipas

Tiglath-pileser took captives from PK 287

Galilee, Sea of:

Galilee, Sea of: as lake MB 1, 38

Christ stilled tempests on See Miracles of Christ

Christ teaching by COL 33; DA 244-5, 333, 342, 809-11; MB 1, 4-5, 38

country about MB 147-8

eastern shore of DA 333-4

much of Christ’s ministry spent near DA 809

night was best time for fishing with nets in DA 246

parables given by DA 333

plain of Gennesaret by COL 34; DA 252

Sea of Gennesaret as DA 245; MB 1, 38


Gall, dropped into your cup, embitters others 6T 123

evil spirit too often allowed to drop, into our cup 6T 123

of bitterness, person still in MB 60

one drop of, in periodical article poisons reader CW 65-6; 6T 123

in sermon poisons hearers 6T 123

some people like to feed on 6T 123

Galley, Gallies

Galley, Gallies, children of God have been bound by chains to seats in 7BC 988

Gallio, Junius A.

Gallio, Junius A., proconsul of Achaia AA 252-3


Gallows, card playing has led many to 4T 652

publish tale of parental duties neglected AH 138; Te 211

victims for, laws licensing sale of intoxicating liquor supplies Te 37

liquor traffic supplies Te 205


Gamaliel, learned Pharisee AA 82; SR 257; TM 72

Paul taught by 6BC 1065, 1084

Sanhedrin member AA 82

Sanhedrin restrained by, from killing apostles AA 82-3; EW 196; SR 257-8; TM 72, 268-9

Gambler, Gamblers

Gambler, Gamblers, how to win, to Christ Ev 267-8, 288-9; GC 387


Gambling, amusements leading to 1T 514

card playing for amusement leads to 4T 652

church funds raised by, teach wrong lessons Con 68

common evil TM 457

feeling a need for fast money draws people to UL 21:4

first lessons in, how boys learn FE 63

Gov. C. C. Washburn quoted re GC 387

holidays that engross men with CT 343

how popular churches lead youth into CS 201

intoxicating effects of, upon youth GC 387

(lotteries) social, professed Christians teach wrong lessons by Con 68:1

men under inspiration of Spirit are needed to rebuke Te 35

minds of many people taken up with Te 289

money devoted to, should be spent in making land productive FE 318

passions stimulated to intense activity by COL 54; 9T 89

places of, crowded by pleasure lovers HP 342:4

Satan’s invention CS 134

seems easier way of obtaining money without earnest work and strict economy CS 201

sign of times 9T 89

species of idolatry FE 312; LS 351

victory over, through the Holy Spirit; (steadiness) HP 22:4

world filled with violence by DA 633

See also Betting; Horse race; Lottery

Gambling hell, Gambling hells

Gambling hell, Gambling hells, pleasure lovers at, as probation’s hour closes ChS 51; CT 414; DA 636; FE 355

See also Gaming room

Gambling saloon, Gambling saloons

Gambling saloon, Gambling saloons, youth tempted to go to CS 201

Game, Games

1. Of life

2. Miscellaneous

1. Of life

all are playing 2T 36

angels saddened when men lose 4T 497

Christian warfare is 4T 34

evil spirits look with triumph when men lose 4T 497

Monarch of universe is spectator of 4T 34

multitudes witness Te 144

myriads of angels are spectators of 4T 34

person who tarries at wine plays, with Satan Te 38

play faithfully and well your part in 1T 407

sad and losing, woman who played 4T 497

Satan finds satisfaction in playing, for men’s souls CS 136

Satan plays: for every soul CS 135; Ev 359; MYP 95; 1SM 131; 2SM 58; 5T 507; 6T 148, 264, 446; TM 84, 454

for souls of God’s people MM 93

for youth’s souls CT 274-5; MYP 95

three things Satan uses in playing, for man’s soul COL 55

Satan would cause you to lose 2T 36-7

2. Miscellaneous

arranged for Solomon’s diversion 3BC 1165; ML 167

at Australian school were frivolous, rude, and grotesque CT 348

athletic: held in honor of heathen gods 4T 33

less brutalizing, are carried to excess Ed 210

youth brutalized and demoralized by Ed 210

See also Athletic game; Sport

ball playing as simple exercise not condemned AH 499; 2SM 322

(ball playing), Sabbath violated by 3SM 258:3

baseball See Baseball

college: which do not bear impress of heaven AH 499; 2SM 322-3

which make men lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God 2SM 322

cricket See Cricket

competitive (match): at Battle Creek College 1SM 131

excitement and emotions caused by 1SM 133

how Satan sought to exploit 1SM 131

students warned re FE 378

distracting college students from study AH 499-500; 2SM 322

drawing thousands of youth FE 422

exciting, how students are affected by CT 283; FE 225

football See Football

for pleasure, produce love and passion unfavorable to spirituality AH 499; 2SM 322

Greek (Corinthian) AA 309-13

one competitor could win prize in AA 313

self-denial practiced by contestants in MH 129

holidays engrossing men with CT 343

in SDA schools, door is opened to flood of temptation by 8T 65

interest in, God is crowded out of students’ minds by 1SM 136

leading to gambling and dissipation 1T 514

objectionable FE 225; 1T 514

Christian should blush at playing in FE 225

in SDA schools FE 228

of chance, how youth are affected by GC 387

of seeking to be rich, in which men may lose all CS 90

passion for, at Battle Creek College 1SM 136

Paul calls attention to diligence required for victory in TMK 315:4

playing of: at Battle Creek College 1SM 132

useful labor benefits students more than does AH 508; FE 538

useful occupation is better than 2SM 321-4

prize for Christian requires faithfulness as in TMK 315:2

pugilistic See Pugilistic games

questions to ask before participating in FE 302-3

raising money for church treasury by means of CS 201-3; WM 289

Roman AA 309

brutal characteristics of Ed 210

schoolteachers not appointed to invent, to educate pugilists FE 220

schools should devote Sunday to miss. work rather than to 9T 237-8

seeking amusement in TMK 343:4

set in operation to divert attention from truth SD 280

spending time playing, miss. work is better than CT 549

sports and AH 498-505

supremacy in, burning passion cultivated for AH 500; 2SM 324

that do not: purify character 2SM 322

satisfy soul Ev 267

strengthen intellect 2SM 322

that unfit you for prayer and service FE 303

time spent in, ought to be used in Christ’s lines FE 228

used by Satan to: confuse men’s senses AH 402

lead men from God CT 274-5

useless, Satan delights to see youth engage in CT 274-5

which are species of idolatry CT 350

why SDA should not educate youth in 1SM 133

world’s, men are earnestly engaged in MM 318

youth attracted by, from sober duties of life MH 364

youth’s, door to temptation opened by CT 366

See also Amusement; Ball playing; Card playing; Checker playing; Chess playing; Cricket; Gambling; Sports

Game (wild)

Game (wild), censure for killing, to subsist upon it 4T 327

Gaming room

Gaming room, conversation heard in 4T 652

devils are familiar guests in 4T 652

Satan presides in 4T 652

See also Gambling hells

Gaming table

Gaming table, person who finds pleasure at, puts eternity out of reckoning 6T 407

will be destroyed 6T 407


Garbage See Refuse


1. Figurative

2. Miscellaneous


1. Figurative

children’s hearts as AH 200-3; COL 87-8; CT 231-2

God’s: children should be transplanted to CG 18

Christians as plants in 6BC 1080; ML 273; 5T 265

church as 6BC 1086; Ev 98-9

principles of truth blooming in Ev 557

Scripture as, to converted soul FE 182

trees in, must bear fruit GC 601

God’s spiritual, many varieties of flowers in Ev 99

heart as CT 142; 4T 202; 5T 279

cultivation of AH 200-3

how to remove poisonous weeds from 4T 365

lessons from nature re Ed 111-2

need of cultivating COL 56

patience needed to keep evil motives weeded from CG 493; CT 108

preoccupy AH 202

preparation of, for seeds of truth 1SM 133

results of neglecting Ev 342

seed sown by enemy in CT 326

warning against neglect of 4T 242

home as, children as plants in AH 200; CT 130

mind as 4T 442-3, 606

needs cultivation by heavenly Husbandman FE 111

persons who weed other people’s, while neglecting their own 4T 337, 381; 5T 286

Satan’s, tempting fruit in 5T 599-600

school as CT 231-2

soul as, evil weeds in neglected 5T 319

watered, souls like AA 340; DA 348; SD 88; MH 100; 2T 36

in time of drought 2T 29

whose waters fail not 2T 668-9

2. Miscellaneous

amusement in, for children 4T 136

antediluvian PP 91

Flood destroyed PP 99; SR 67

idols placed in PP 99; SR 67

best schoolroom for child during his first eight or ten years Ed 208

boys kept from reformatories by Ed 218

child needs little plot of land for AH 388

children can study nature lessons in MB 97-8

children need, to cultivate 4T 136

Christ’s love expressed in DA 516

cultivated improperly, overgrown with weeds and briers 4T 443

cultivation of 6BC 1086; ML 273

good exercise for ministers CH 564; Ev 660; GW 240

lessons from 6BC 1086

spiritual lesson from 4T 202-3

demands constant labor 6BC 1086; ML 273

expense of, more than met by saving on hospitals and reformatories Ed 218

God’s, nature as 7T 80

growing up with thorns FE 66

lessons for children in AH 223; COL 87

of Eden See Eden

precious plants in, care of AH 202

pulling up plants from, be careful in 6BC 1086

purchase a little piece of land for 2SM 356

sanitariums need, to provide exercise for patients 7T 78

school, provide Ed 218

students provided new interests by Ed 213

students should labor with teachers in FE 325

sick persons may find health in MM 232

Solomon’s ML 167

teach children how to make CT 124-5

things to be taught to children in 8T 326

useful employment in, for children 4T 136

variety of flowers in 6T 333-4

vegetable, God who guides planets is at work in 6T 186

patients need work in MH 265

watching your neighbor’s, result of 5T 286

watering of 7T 100

well-kept 6T 419

EGW’s dream that she was in SC 116-7

with no sign of life SD 71

with music, youth allured to sin by CH 441

work in, children benefited by 6T 179

feeble and indolent persons benefited by 3T 78

nerve and muscle strengthened by MM 296

students blessed by CT 187

JW benefited by 2SM 307

See also Agriculture; Flower garden


Bible is God’s, with promises as flowers FLB 9:2

Christ’s care compared to cultivation of AG 65:4

exercise from, as much God’s work as holding meetings RC 152:4

heart compared to HP 160:4

of Eden, See Eden

poor plants in, thought to represent spiritual condition 2MCP 807:1

weeding own, instead of judging others UL 366:4

Word of God is like; promises are flowers 3SM 325:4; TMK 213:3


Gardener, experienced, san. grounds need supervision of 1T 562

lessons from, for training children DA 515-6

Garden herb, Garden herbs

Garden herb, Garden herbs, simple, Jews exacted tithes on SD 55


Gardening, educational work greatly aided by ED 212

object lesson for teaching children and youth Ed 111

schools should teach 6T 176

to women students CT 312

spiritual lessons learned from COL 88; CT 142

success in, depends on attention to laws involved Ed 111-2

teaching children by means of CT 142; Ed 119

Garden plants

Garden plants, lesson in child training from COL 83


Garland, won in Corinthian games AA 313

Garland, Me.

Garland, Me. LS 73; 2SG 39; 1T 66

Garment. Garments

Garment. Garments, blood rubbed on, vision re EW 76-7

Christ’s, whiter than whitest white EW 51

Christ’s priestly EW 36, 55, 280

See also High priest

cutting out, dream re 2T 10-2; 5T 657-8

fig-leaf, Adam and Eve made COL 311; PP 57; SR 37-8

by their own works men try to make COL 311

filthy, defective character represented by PK 588

of self must be destroyed TM 186

persons who refuse to let go their TM 447

sins of God’s people symbolized by PK 583

for display, devote no time to needless work on 3T 563

Jewish custom of rending, at death of friends DA 708

mending of, improper on Sabbath 6T 355

mothers spend unnecessary labor upon 4T 72

of Christ’s righteousness, men must wear TM 149 See also Righteousness; Robe

of heaviness, do not put on TM 502

of holiness, Adam and Eve lost 1BC 1084; MH 462; 8T 325

of light, Adam and Eve originally wore COL 310-1; MH 461-2; PP 45; 3SG 34; 1SM 270, 290; SR 21, 38; 8T 255, 324-5

lost by Adam and Eve when they sinned 1BC 1084; COL 311; MH 461-2; PP 57; 3SG 43; 1SM 270, 291; SR 37; 8T 256, 325

of praise and thanksgiving, redeemed will wear 7BC 988; MH 506; PK 732; 8T 42

of redeemed martyrs, red border on EW 18-9; 1T 68

of sinfulness, Christ desires to remove men’s COL 169-70, 206; SC 53

of skins, God made for Adam and Eve PP 61; 3SG 46; SR 46

of the redeemed, described EW 16-7; LS 66-7; 1T 68

of the wicked, inscription on EW 37

old, fixing over 1T 522

poor person’s, given as pledge or security for debt MB 72

put together with basting threads, gospel work is not to be as MM 125

rending of, in token of grief and indignation PP 390

rending of high priest’s, significance of AA 100; DA 708-9

ribbon of blue on, worn in Israel 1T 524

unclean, health ill-affected by wearing of CH 61

untidy and torn, God not pleased to see children wearing ML 129

wedding, parable of See Parable

righteous character as COL 307, 310-9

wrongdoer has blood of souls on his TM 262

See also Clothing; Reform dress


beautiful, Church to arise and put on TDG 17:4

Christ’s, best his family could provide HP 214:2

defiled, Joshua standing with, represents sinners TDG 226:2

filthy, never removed without our effort Mar 95:5

stain on, by coveting another man’s wife TSB 187:0

See also Clothes; Robes

Garmire, Anna

Garmire, Anna, spurious dreams and visions of 2SM 64-5, 72-9, 80-4, 89

Garmire, J. M.

Garmire, J. M., daughter Anna injured by 2SM 89

daughter of, spurious visions of 2SM 72-9

daughters of, claimed to have visions 2SM 64

fanatic and false prophet 2SM 64-5, 80-4


Garrets, Christ will gather some of His children from COL 179; GC 650

Gas, Gases

Gas, Gases, poisonous, in air of cities MH 262

Gastric juice

Gastric juice, stomach needs time to replenish supply of, after work of digestion CD 173

Gate, Gates

Gate, Gates, heaven’s, closed to persons lacking in heavenly graces 5T 116

house of God on earth is 5T 491; 6T 363

Moses opened, for Christ to enter at His ascension PP 476

Jerusalem’s, Christ died outside of DA 741

Jerusalem’s great eastern, mysterious opening of GC 29-30

open at night on festal occasions DA 802

king’s, place where judgment was dispensed FE 412

New Jerusalem’s, angel at each of EW 291; 2SG 52; 1T 68

closed when Satan surrounds city EW 293; GC 664

narrow path leads to PK 732

opening of, for the redeemed to enter EW 17, 35, 288; GC 646; LS 67; 2SG 34; 1T 61

swing on glittering hinges EW 17, 288; LS 67; 2SG 34; 1T 61

twelve, with three on each side EW 291; 2SG 52; 1T 68

of brass, Babylon had PK 523

of prison of Herod Agrippa I opened without aid of human hands AA 146

opened to wily foe by men in positions of responsibility 4T 211

press the battle to 5T 439

sheep, sacrificial victims were led through GC 18

seen from Mount of Olives GC 18

strait, agonize and strive to enter MB 138-40; 2T 479-80; 4T 218; 5T 17

does not swing loosely on its hinges ChS 247; ML 340

few will pass through 2T 445-6


Gath, Achish king of PP 656

ark of covenant at PP 586; 4aSG 108

See also Gittites

Gathering, Gatherings

Gathering, Gatherings, annual, sacrifice should be made to attend 2T 574-5, 599

at large SDA, people should be taught how to sow seeds of truth FE 521-2

exciting, that are harmful to youth TM 85

festal, See Parties

for frivolous and worldly pleasure, oblations to Satan 8T 66

for social intercourse, that are highly profitable and instructive ML 205

of God’s people from earth, at second advent COL 179-80; EW 287; GC 644-5

SDA, decided religious influence should characterize ML 205

need of highly informative discourses at CW 126

See also Meeting

Gathering time

Gathering time EW 74-6

duty of God’s people now in EW 75-6

efforts must be redoubled in EW 74, 86


Gaudiness, in dress, vanity and weakness betrayed by 4T 643

Gaudy trappings

Gaudy trappings, vain pride exhibited in 2T 258

Gaussen, L.

Gaussen, L. GC 364-5

Gavazzi, Alessandro

Gavazzi, Alessandro, quoted GC 385


Gaza PP 565, 693

Samson at PP 565-6

Gazingstock, Gazingstocks

Gazingstock, Gazingstocks, Christians should not make themselves, by dress MYP 350; 2SM 476; 1T 458


Geba PP 616, 622


Gedaliah, governor of Judah PK 460

Geddes, Michael

Geddes, Michael, quoted GC 578


Gehazi, Elisha’s servant PK 238-9, 250-2

leper till death PK 252; 4T 336

Gem, Gems

Gem, Gems, do not spend money for WM 267

polished, God’s people should shed light as 4BC 1177

tiniest, in God’s casket will glorify Him 4BC 1184

See also Jewel

Gem, Gems

Gem, Gems of truth, like precious metal concealed in hills 4T 499

Scriptures are full of 4T 376; 5T 266

Gem, Gems

Gem, Gems, good, can be made without soda 2T 537

graham, how to make CD 319-20, 343

heavy and sodden, not recommended CH 154

unleavened, sold on holiday occasions CD 472; WM 285

See also Roll

Gem cake, Gem cakes

Gem cake, Gem cakes, need of properly baking 1T 681



avoiding society of, as much as possible TSB 167:2

danger in friendships with those of TSB 191:1

familiarity with, by one wanting responsibility TSB 156

Genealogical record

Genealogical record, in Genesis, do not cast away man’s Ed 130


Genealogy, of human race, as given by Inspiration PP 45

General, Generals

General, Generals, all who enter army are not to be 5T 394

best, does not do most of work himself Ev 96

gets greatest amount of work from others Ev 96-7

brave and wise, David as PP 658, 672

death of, gives no additional strength to enemy AA 124

deceased, spirits of devils professing to be 1T 364

in Satan’s army at close of millennium GC 664

in US Civil War, guided by communications from spirits of devils 1T 364

leaders in God’s cause as, should lay plans for advance moves 9T 116

mighty, Satan as GC 507

most renowned, person who stands higher in God’s sight than CG 95; ML 70

of Egyptian armies, Moses as 1BC 1099; CT 407; FE 342; PP 246; 3SG 183, 187; SR 108; TM 262

slain in battle, lost to his army AA 124

soldiers’ obedience to Ev 647-8

victorious in war, triumphal celebration of AA 326

wise, essential qualifications of 9T 116

keep their movements strictly secret Ev 125

wise and considerate, God’s people need 2SM 362

See also Army; Military service

General Conference

General Conference, authority of 3T 492-3; 9T 260-1

authority that God has vested in 3T 492-3; 9T 260-1

erroneous concept of 3T 493; 9T 261

not vested in one man or few men 9T 260-1

call of, EGW went to Australia at 2SM 234, 239

chief responsibilities in, approved plan of electing men to bear 8T 236-7

division of, into union conferences was God’s arrangement 8T 232

do not send your perplexities to TM 325

few men in (in Battle Creek in 1896), too much dependence placed in TM 326

too much responsibility centered in TM 321

financial support of, unwillingness to contribute to 5T 284

help from, local conf. should not depend too much on TM 344

judgment of, duty to respect 3T 492

highest authority that God has on earth 3T 492

not vested in one man 3T 493; 9T 260

when private independence and judgment should submit to 3T 492; 9T 260

kingly power formerly revealed in, not to be perpetuated 8T 233

kingly power not placed by God in LS 386

local conf. should not depend too much on, for light and wisdom GW 415-6; TM 375

managing force in, needed strengthening in 1901 LS 385-6

moves made at, local conf. watch TM 321

organization of, in 1863 1T 715 (Append. note)

perplexities of all parts of world should not be sent to TM 326-7

physician whose work exceeded that done in churches by TM 397

pledge of $20,000 requested of, for sanitarium CS 281

principles governing, management of publishing work and sanitarium work should maintain 8T 233

renovation and reorganization of, needed in 1901 LS 386

Satan prompts doubts, suspicions, and prejudice against 5T 283-4

voice of, highest authority God has on earth 3T 492

not vested in one man 3T 493

when, is to be respected as God’s 9T 260-1

work of, growing TM 342

needed to be reorganized in 1896 TM 342

one man or few men not capable of managing 9T 260

world field needed to be divided by, in 1896 TM 342

wrong sentiments and principles of, in 1895 TM 359

yoke of debt upon, God not pleased by CS 281


business damaged sacred character of PM 143:0

controlled by sick man (G. I. Butler) long enough 3SM 178:2

corrupted by taking over wrong management of publishing house PM 142:7

division of,

into unions was God’s plan PM 145:6

to be made (1901) PM 146:2

kingly power in, not to be perpetuated PM 146:1

session of 1888,

appraisal after close of 3SM 177

Ellen White,

remained after, to write 3SM 178:1

spoke nearly 20 times during 3SM 177:4

watchful during 3SM 177:3

went to, by faith 3SM 163:2

good expected by Ellen White from 3SM 177:4

history of, noted by recording angel 3SM 175:4

ideas of, devil tried to obliterate 3SM 160:6

messages of, strong for ones without living experience 3SM 186:1

much business for; cooperation needed 3SM 166:2

prejudice against Ellen White and others 3SM 173:2

sermons at, gloomy and discouraging 3SM 163:3

spirit at, spread; brethren reproved 3SM 176:0

truths from, addressed before by Ellen White 3SM 172:1

session of 1889, resolutions about blacks SW 15:1

session of 1901,

business in, as important as prayer 3SM 336:3

call for devotion 3SM 336

God and angels present at LDE 53

God ready to work for His people 3SM 337:2

possibilities missed at LDE 57

reorganization called for at LDE 53

General Conference auditor, General Conference auditors

General Conference auditor, General Conference auditors, essential qualifications of 6T 216

financial standing of schools should be checked by 6T 216

General Conference Committee

General Conference Committee, need of strengthening, in 1901 LS 386

EGW attended, in September of 1904 9T 184

See also Committee; Committee meeting

General Conference leader, General Conference leaders

General Conference leader, General Conference leaders 8T 166-71; TM 15-9

duty of, re med. miss. work 8T 166-71

institutions cautioned against too much dependence on TM 374

General Conference office

General Conference office, need of moving, out of Battle Creek LS 389-91

General Conference officers

General Conference officers, complaining about, what to do instead of 9T 53; TM 359-64

election of, approved plan of 8T 236-7

General Conference officials

General Conference officials, duties of TM 321

General Conference president

General Conference president GW 415-6; TM 319-30, 340-6, 375

counselors needed by, kind of TM 341, 343

duty of, to refuse to be mind and conscience for others GW 415-6

education that, needs to give to conf. presidents TM 329

essential qualifications of TM 322-3

family of, should be governed wisely TM 322

God is much more accessible than TM 329

impartial, needed TM 322

local conf. affairs should not burden GW 415; TM 343

local conf. presidents should not leave everything for, to settle TM 329

not to be a good to people TM 375-6

one man as, not wise to choose TM 342

relationship of, to local conf. presidents GW 415-6

Satan seeks to make, self-confident GW 416

should act upon light given him TM 327

undue confidence in, exposes him to temptation GW 416

voice should be given, in choosing his counselors TM 342-3

who walks in God’s counsel GW 415-6

General Conference session, General Conference sessions

General Conference session, General Conference sessions, Bible studies at, valuable instruction afforded by LS 279

controversial questions not to be aired at CW 76-7; TM 331

delegates to, essential qualifications of 9T 262

privilege of 2SM 399

ministers selling publications at 1T 688

of 1867, at Battle Creek 1T 593

of 1868, at Battle Creek LS 189; 2T 23

of 1878, at Battle Creek LS 238

of 1881 5T 9

of 1883, at Battle Creek GW 413; LS 279; 5T 373; TM 498-9, 503

of 1886, bad impressions made at CW 79

of 1888, at Minneapolis, Minn. 1SM 234-5, 358-9; 2SM 211

deplorable course of action before and after TM 79

dissension at CW 31

gems of truth given in new settings at CW 30

light stubbornly rejected by some at CW 30

message of righteousness by faith eagerly accepted after 1SM 358

mistakes made by leading men at TM 295

no peg of old landmarks was moved at CW 30

prejudices and opinions prevalent at, not dead in 1891 LS 326; TM 467

satanic work begun by some at TM 79-80

spirit which ran riot at TM 76

talk at, about standing on old landmarks CW 30

unfounded report re 5T 692-3

EGW took back nothing she spoke at 5T 693

EGW’s labor and messages at 5T 693

work of enemy during 1SM 234-5

of 1891, at Battle Creek, Mich. LS 313

of 1893, at Battle Creek 1SM 129-30

humble confessions made at TM 23

outpouring of God’s blessing at 8T 54

outpouring of Spirit at 1SM 129-30; TM 49

of 1897 TM 331-40

of 1901 LS 385-6; 1SM 152; 8T 93-4

call for reformation at 8T 97-8

spiritualistic delusion rebuked at Ev 595

what might have been done at 8T 104-6

of 1905, at Washington, D.C. LS 405; 9T 173

of 1909 LS 420; 1SM 152; 2SM 400, 404; 9T 153, 167, 173, 257, 262

of 1913 LS 425-6, 437-8; 2SM 398; TM 513

EGW’s last messages to 2SM 398-408; TM 513-5

General Conference worker, General Conference workers

General Conference worker, General Conference workers, do not place, where God ought to be TM 375-6

duty of, re camp meetings 9T 81

expensive journeys by TM 375

highhanded power developed by, condemned TM 361

warned against injustice in dealing with individuals TM 360-1

General History of the Christian Religion and Church

General History of the Christian Religion and Church, by Augustus Neander, quoted GC 85

General meeting. General meetings

General meeting. General meetings, diet for, need of plain and simple CH 121

foods served at, need of wholesome and nourishing CH 121

how to come prepared to obtain most benefit from 2T 55

instruction should be given at, on health and temperance CH 449

should not be made seasons for feasting CH 121

See also Camp meeting


Generalship, sharp, men in charge of God’s flock must exercise 5T 71

wise, counseling God’s people requires 2SM 363

fields of gospel labor need to be selected with Ev 84

gospel work requires 1T 647-8; 4T 67

needed to devise plans for gospel work 5T 721

needed to educate men for gospel work 5T 721

needed to plan ways to frustrate the enemy Ev 144

required of ministers Ev 357; 1T 647-8

wise teacher’s, parent must exercise CG 240

wiser, camp meetings need to be located with Ev 79

gospel work needs CW 126; FE 306; SD 284

See also Leadership

Generation, Generations

Generation, Generations, cases of people of each successive, investigative judgment considers GC 483

church has special truth and work in every COL 78

churches of this, exalted to highest privileges COL 317

cooperation between; young and old need each other RY 49:4

every, growing weaker 1T 304

future, how parents can help to uplift MH 371

God’s purpose of giving gospel to world in this Ed 262

last, as Christ viewed it GC 22

deception in GC 22

parable of mustard seed reaches fulfillment in COL 79

past, how God tested 2T 692-3

unhealthful practices of, children and youth of today affected by MH 328

present, is froward PK 185

of men, important results dependent on this 4T 434

one of increased light and knowledge MYP 41

sufficient light given to 2T 693

seven, lived contemporaneously for hundreds of years PP 83

single, gospel preached to world by apostolic church in Ed 96; MH 141; 8T 26

tendency of each, to fall lower and lower PP 561

why each day of first week is called PP 112; 3SG 90

message of God to people of each COL 127

youth of this, choose path to destruction 6T 254