Ellen G. White and Her Critics

Medical Literature Consulted in the Preparation of Chapter 4 Books

[In harmony with the usual style in bibliographies, the medical and other learned degrees of the authors are not listed.] EGWC 683.19

Brain, W. Russell. Diseases of the Nervous System. 3d ed. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1947. 987 pp. EGWC 683.20

Brawner, James N. The Mind and Its Disorders. Atlanta: Walter W. Brown Publishing Co., 1942. 228 pp. EGWC 683.21

Cecil, Russell L., editor. A Textbook of Medicine by American Authors. 5th ed., rev. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Co., 1940. 1744 pp. EGWC 683.22

Cobb, Stanley. Foundations of Neuropsychiatry. 2d ed., rev. and enlarged. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Co., 1941. 231 pp. [Formerly known as A Preface to Nervous Disease.] EGWC 684.1

Ewen, John H. Mental Health. London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1947. 270 pp. EGWC 684.2

Grinker, Roy R., and Bucy, Paul C. Neurology. 4th ed., completely rev. Springfield, Ill.: C. C. Thomas, 1949. 1138 pp. EGWC 684.3

Muncie, Wendell. Psychobiology and Psychiatry. 2d ed. St. Louis: The C. V. Mosby Company, 1948. 620 pp. EGWC 684.4

Nielsen, J. M. A Textbook of Clinical Neurology. 1st ed. New York, London: P. B. Hoeber, Inc., 1941. 672 pp. EGWC 684.5

Noyes, Arthur Percy. Modern Clinical Psychiatry. 3d ed. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1948. 525 pp. EGWC 684.6

------, and Hayden, Edith M. A Textbook of Psychiatry. 3d ed. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1940. 315 pp. EGWC 684.7

Richards, Thomas William. Modern Clinical Psychology. 1st ed. New York, London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1946. 331 pp. EGWC 684.8

Strecker, Edward A., and others. Practical Clinical Psychiatry. 6th ed. Philadelphia: The Blakiston Co., 1947. 476 pp. EGWC 684.9

Tredgold, Alfred Frank. Manual of Psychological Medicine. London: Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1943. 298 pp. EGWC 684.10

Wechsler, Israel S. A Textbook of Clinical Neurology. 5th ed., rev. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1943. 840 pp. EGWC 684.11

Yater, Wallace Mason. The Fundamentals of Internal Medicine, 2d ed. New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Company, Incorporated, 1944. 1204 pp. Periodical EGWC 684.12

Lennox, William G. “Psychiatry, Psychology and Seizures,” The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, July, 1949 (vol. 19, no. 3), pp. 432-446. EGWC 684.13