The World of Ellen G. White

Bibliographical Note

For easily accessible sources of Ellen G. White’s early discussion of health matters, see the first 34 pages of An Appeal to Mothers (1864), reproduced as Appendix C of A Critique of Prophetess of Health (Washington, D.C.: Ellen G. White Estate, 1976), pp. 100-108; White’s articles on health contained within the pamphlet series Health, or How to Live (1865), included as the appendix “Disease and Its Causes,” in Selected Messages From the Writings of Ellen G. White, book 2, pp. 409-479; and miscellaneous testimonies contained in the multivolume Testimonies for the Church. Selected later discussions appeared in The Ministry of Healing (1905) and in numerous compilations published after White’s death, for example, Counsels on Health (1923), Medical Ministry (1932), and Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938). WEGW 159.1