What Ellen White has Meant to Me

Chapter 10—The Blessing Experienced

From my earliest years I have been acquainted with the writings of Ellen G. White. My parents became Seventh-day Adventists in Englee, Newfoundland, four years before I was born. Soon thereafter some of the writings of Sister White came into the hands of our family and became a regular and cherished part of our library. I cannot remember a time when we did not have these books; though we were for a time far removed from an organized church, they never ceased to assist in meeting the needs of our lives. WEWMM 83.1

During my church school and academy years we had frequent reason to study these writings and to learn to love the simple, beautiful presentations of truth they contain. While preparing for the ministry in college, these books took on a new importance as I became familiar with them, and with their role in the Adventist Church. WEWMM 83.2

For thirty-seven years in my ministry I have found them to be a source of great inspiration, encouragement, and help. In all these years they have never failed me in any respect. They have met the needs of my life, my home, my church, and the organizations in which I have served. They have given right counsel on important issues, at the right time. I do not recall a single instance where they have not provided the guidance needed to meet difficult problems. Only the Bible has surpassed them in giving me unerring, infallible direction. WEWMM 83.3

In my personal life I have been a completely reborn man because of the following counsel: “It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit. If we would be saved at last, we must learn the lesson of penitence and humiliation at the foot of the cross.”—The Desire of Ages, 83. WEWMM 84.1

I have tested this marvelous promise and have found it true. There is much ground yet to gain, much growth still to experience. But the way is clearly marked out by my Lord and I expect to follow on. until through His grace and by the power of His Spirit I reach “mature manhood, measured by nothing less than the full stature of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13, N.E.B.). WEWMM 84.2

Led by the writings of the servant of the Lord to study the life of John the Baptist, I have experienced renewal in my ministry. WEWMM 84.3

“As a prophet, John was ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.’ In preparing the way for Christ’s first advent, he was a representative of those who are to prepare a people for our Lord’s second coming.”—The Desire of Ages, 101. WEWMM 84.4

Again, I thank God for this rich insight into the meaning of my ministry. To know by personal experience rather than by theory only, how to be a modern counterpart of John the Baptist is my constant goal. The challenge to give myself without reservation of any kind to the service of Christ is motivated by these simple words: WEWMM 84.5

“All that the apostles did, every church member today is to do. And we are to work with as much more fervor, to be accompanied by the Holy Spirit in as much greater measure, as the increase of wickedness demands a more decided call to repentance.”—Testimonies for the Church 7:33. WEWMM 84.6

As the leader of the ministry of the Church, I have been diligently studying, seeking answers to the way that God’s work can be quickly finished. How grateful I am, therefore, for the wise counsel that outlines the only way that this can be done: WEWMM 84.7

“The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers.”—Gospel Workers, 352. WEWMM 85.1

We seek for the blessings and power of the latter rain, and it is vital to the success of our mission. Yet we are told that “when we have entire, wholehearted consecration to the service of Christ, God will recognize the fact by an outpouring of His Spirit without measure; but this will not be while the largest portion of the church are not laborers together with God.”—Christian Service, 253. WEWMM 85.2

Thank God for these concepts. What a tremendous difference it will make when all our church membership catches this vision of a completed work. The promise of future victory should urge us to implement all the counsels we have received from the Lord through His chosen messenger. WEWMM 85.3

“God will do the work if we will furnish Him the instruments.”—Testimonies for the Church 9:107. This, too, has been a special challenge to me and to my fellow ministers and church members of the remnant people. WEWMM 85.4

Her counsels for our homes, our schools, our medical institutions, our publishing houses, and our churches are so rich and so vital that it would be impossible for us to fail if we follow the guidance of the Lord, and impossible to succeed if we refuse to follow it. WEWMM 85.5

I have encountered no problems in my life or ministry for which God has not provided a ready solution, either in the Scriptures or in the Spirit of Prophecy. These infallible guides afford us advantages others do not have. WEWMM 85.6

A further proof of Ellen White’s divine inspiration is that her counsels are as relevant today as when they were first given. They enable us to face up courageously to the varied and intricate problems of our modern society. Their remarkable balance and great reasonableness make it possible for us to avoid extremes in such areas as dress, recreation, diet, social services, and theology. I have never found a person who truly believes in, and follows, the counsel of the messenger of the Lord who has become either a fanatic or a careless liberal. WEWMM 85.7

Her counsels are suitable for people of all ranks, ages, and classes. They give us direction as we face up to the dangers of this mixed-up world. WEWMM 86.1

I have found her writings to be an inspired, reliable commentary on the Bible. It has been a most rewarding experience to study the Word of God in depth, and then find amplification and verification for the truths discovered in Ellen White’s writings. WEWMM 86.2

Some have serious doubts about the Scriptures. I have found a way to dispel these doubts: Develop a simple faith in the authenticity of the writings of Ellen White. Some, for example, have unresolved questions about who wrote the book of Hebrews. I know! The servant of the Lord tells us repeatedly that it was written by the apostle Paul. That settles it for me. WEWMM 86.3

Even as there is great need for much study and prayer as we seek to understand God’s will, outlined in the Bible, so there is also need for the same kind of deep study and earnest prayer as we seek to understand His will in the writings of Ellen White. Both sources of truth demand all the strength of mind and spirit. Only when we lose faith in the certainty and assurance of this inspired gift are we in any real danger of being deceived by the errors of the last days. Personally, I would rather take the statement of the servant of the Lord as the truth on a given subject, than all the works of all the great theologians or scientists. WEWMM 86.4

What I am saying is that I believe the writings of Ellen G. White are inspired of the Lord. We can safely trust them, and this gives us an authoritative understanding of the Sacred Scriptures. My life has been blessed as I have heard the call through her writings to a holier and more fruitful ministry. My heart responds to her repeated calls to conversion, consecration, and total commitment of all that I am to the advancement of God’s work. WEWMM 86.5

When we faithfully follow her counsels in eating, drinking, working, serving, and other areas, I have discovered through experience that we can be assured of success and may fully enjoy the blessings of the Lord. The call is for full surrender to the guidance of the Spirit. Wherever the work of God is making unusual progress today it is because we have faithfully followed her counsel. Where it is struggling to hold its own, it is because other concepts have been given prominence and minor matters have occupied our attention. WEWMM 86.6

In summary, the writings of Ellen White have established my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and in His divinely inspired Word. They have given positive guidance to a church seeking to fulfill its mission in a bewildered and bewildering world. They have marked out a straight course for us to follow in education, medicine, publishing, evangelism, and every other phase of our work. They give personal guidance to anyone who is honestly seeking their counsel and is willing to follow their instruction. I thank God for this priceless gift to me, to my family, and to my church. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without it. WEWMM 87.1

Takoma Park, Maryland
April 1972