The Fannie Bolton Story

Fannie Bolton to E. G. White, May 19, 1896

After a very rough passage, in which nearly everyone was sick, we landed at Adelaide. As soon as we passed the “Heads” my head went down, and did not come up again until we enter the “Heads” at this place. Our ship could not come into the docks, but had to anchor about a mile out. Yesterday morning about eleven o’clock, Bro. Daniells and Salisbury came on board. A small boat plies between the steamer and the pier, and by paying two shillings, you have a ride to the pier, and then by train to the city, and return. FBS 71.7

I went in shore, and was so glad once more to find “terra firma” under my unsteady feet. Everything is still more or less unstable. FBS 71.8

On our way to Dr. Higgins’ house, we had an opportunity to see the Public buildings. We took a hasty view of the “Tower and upper house,” the museum and art-gallery, and the Zoological gardens. FBS 72.1

About five o’clock we came to the home of Sister Higgins. She seems a very frail woman, and glancing round the house, I came to the conclusion that they were not blessed with much of this world’s goods. Bro. Higgins is suffering from poison in his arm. He thinks he poisoned his arm by accidentally scratching the skin off on the corrugated iron. Anna, the daughter, who is in the “Echo office,” was very sick last week but is again on the mend. She has heart disease. FBS 72.2

I did not stay at Sister Higgins’ house, but went with Bro. Daniells to Sister Allan’s. She is a very pleasant, warm-hearted woman. I found myself very tired that night; and today felt very poorly. My head threatens to lay me low. FBS 72.3

The rain has been showering down all day, and the sky is very heavy. Our boat sails tomorrow. I have not had much chance yet to become acquainted with the passengers, but I must say I am not at all favorably impressed. All the men smoke nearly all the time. FBS 72.4

How glad I was to see Bro. Daniells and Salisbury. They both looked noble and clean beside those tobacco idolaters. What a rest of spirit it is to come among those of like precious faith! It seems as though most of the people might be described by the words, “There is no thought of God in all their heart.” How grateful I feel that the Lord has brought His light to me. How can I take it to these poor darkened hearts? I do hope the way may open so that someone may be brought to the light even on this journey. There is comfort for those who realize that they are weak and unworthy. Jesus is precious to me, my righteousness, my glorious dress. “Plenteous grace with Him is found. Grace to pardon all my sin. Let the healing stream abound, Make and keep me pure within.” “The Lord make His face to shine upon you.” I hope to hear from you at London, and will write as I go along. Pray for me, Fannie Bolton. FBS 72.5