Ellen G. White and Her Critics

The Illustration of Lazarus

We would repeat, in a slightly different context, an illustration used in the preceding chapter: We do not minimize the miracle-working power of Christ because Lazarus, whom He raised from the dead, could not speak until human hands had unwound the funeral sheets that bound him. Then why should we feel it necessary to conclude that Mrs. White was not displaying a miraculous gift from God in the writing she brought forth, simply because the human hands of secretaries released some inhibiting bands of faulty grammar before the vision spoke to men? EGWC 470.4

Of course it may be said that if the Lord had really been with Mrs. White, He would have given her good grammar as well as given her true visions. Or that if the Lord had really been with the Seventh-day Adventist people, He would have selected for them a prophet who really was well educated and did not make errors of grammar. EGWC 471.1