101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White

D—The Glacier View Questionnaire

42. Where Adventist Theologians and Administrators Stand

According to the South Bend Tribune of December 1, 1980, “Ford said in an interview last week that his argument is not so much with Adventist theologians, but with church administrators. Ford said he knew of no New Testament theologians and only one Old Testament theologian who disagrees with his views.” What do Adventist theologians believe about the topics which were discussed at the Glacier View meeting? QSEW 32.1

Of the 115 delegates who were present at the Glacier View (Colorado) Sanctuary Review Committee in August, 1980, at least 59 had served the church at one time, or were still serving, as college, university, or seminary professors in religion or theology. Obviously these individuals had attained some degree of competence in Biblical studies. On August 11 a questionnaire was filled out anonymously by the delegates. Four days later, on August 15, the same questionnaire was repeated, to see what shifts in opinions might have occurred. The 21 questions with delegates’ responses are given below. The reader can decide as to whether Ford’s claim to almost total support from Adventist theologians is justified. QSEW 32.2

It should be understood, of course, that even the best Biblical scholars can sometimes draw erroneous conclusions. Luther and Calvin were brilliant, dedicated, and highly educated, but this did not guarantee the correctness of all their theological positions. It would not be wise to assume that the Scriptures can be understood only by professional theologians. QSEW 32.3

Aug. 11Aug.15
For each numbered item, circle the letter before the phrase which most nearly expresses your present understanding
1. Time prophecies in the Old Testament.
2122a. were all intended to be fulfilled in Israel’s experience by approximately the time of the first-century church
7570b. were intended, in certain instances, to reach nearly 1900 years into the Christian era
62c. not sure
2. The time prophecies of Daniel
4222a. are conditional
5067b. are unconditional
82c. not sure
3. In the prophecies of Daniel
3650a. each prophecy has a single fulfillment
5336b. each prophecy has more than one fulfillment
64c. not sure
4. The application of the year-day principle to interpret symbolic prophecies in the Bible
1510a. is not supported by the Scriptures
7583b. is supported by the Scriptures
121c. not sure
5. The words of Jesus lead us to believe that He expected the second advent to occur during the lifetime of His contemporaries
4238a. agree
5355b. disagree
42c. not sure
6. A long span of time between two advents
4160a. is set forth in the Old Testament
4933b. is not set forth in the Old Testament
101c. not sure
7. The terminus of the 2300-day prophecy
6875a. relates to 1844 as the sole application
2718b. relates to 1844 as a secondary application
72c. not sure
8. “Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed” (KJV) refers to cleansing the heavenly sanctuary from defilement caused
2218a. by the little horn
229b. by the sins of the saints
4965c. by both the little horn and the sins of the saints
52d. not sure
9. Sacrificial blood in the daily sanctuary service
6755a. transferred sin from the sinner to the sanctuary
2435b. cleansed sin, but did not transfer it
98c. not sure
10. The cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary, antitype of the ritual day of atonement, began in 1844
8078a. agree
108b. disagree
99c. not sure
11. The investigative judgment is a concept that is
7581a. supported by Scripture
1410b. without support in Scripture
94c. not sure
12. The first apartment ministry in the earthly sanctuary represented
2717a. the Mosaic dispensation
6572b. the ministry of Jesus from His ascension to 1844
56c. not sure
13. The heavenly sanctuary
6364a. must be cleansed of confessed sins
1717b. needs no cleansing
119c. not sure
14. “The hour of His judgment” (Revelation 14:7)
7380a. includes an investigative judgment of those who accepted Jesus as Savior
1717b. refers only to God’s judgment on the wicked
61c. not sure
15. The second apartment ministry in the earthly sanctuary represented the ministry of Jesus
3127a. beginning with His ascension
6564b. beginning in 1844
66c. not sure
[Paragraph 23, “Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary,” from the 1980 Statement of Fundamental Beliefs was quoted. For the text, see above, question 3.]
16. With the above statement I
6071a.agree strongly
2717b. agree somewhat
30c. not sure
147d. disagree somewhat
0 1e. disagree strongly
[When this quiz was given on August 11 a number of the delegates did not see questions 17-21, which were on the last page of the questionnaire.]
17. The inspiration of Ellen G. White is
6883a. equal to that of the Biblical prophets
1211b. less than that of the Biblical prophets
21c. not sure
18. The writings of Ellen G. White
128a. all of her teachings must be specifically stated in the Bible
6885b. none of her teachings will actually contradict the Bible
00c. not sure
19. The writings of Ellen G. White
118a. are pastoral and devotional, but have no doctrinal authority
6888b. have a doctrinal authority
30c. not sure
20. The writings of Ellen G. White are
3335a. equally authoritative with the Bible
4456b. less authoritative than the Bible
33c. not sure
[Paragraph 17, “The Gift of Prophecy,” from the 1980 Statement of Fundamental Beliefs was quoted. For the text, see below, question 43.]
21. With the above statement I
7287a. agree strongly
116b. agree somewhat
00c. not sure
11d. disagree somewhat
00e. disagree strongly