General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




These will be published in Vol. 3, No. 4, of the BULLETIN, and will be sent to all the regular subscribers, also to every minister, church-elder, and Sabbath-school superintendent whose address we can obtain. The readings will appear in the regular German, Swedish, and Danish papers, and sent out, in this country, to those speaking these languages. GCB July 1, 1899, page 72.4

It is hoped that due arrangements will be made so that every church, company, and isolated Sabbath-keeper may have access to the week of prayer readings, and receive the greatest possible amount of good from the meetings. GCB July 1, 1899, page 72.5

What an excellent opportunity the Berean Library offers along missionary lines. For a number of years we have been wishing that some arrangement could be made that would enable us to get some of our standard books at a much lower price. The Berean Library supplies this want. There are the combined books of “Daniel and the Revelation,” by Elder U. Smith, which contain the very kernel of prophecy as related to the last days, placed in our hands for fifty cents. Just think of the many people within your circle of acquaintance into whose hands you could place these books, and thereby give to them, in a concise form, an exposition of prophecies for this day and age of the world. GCB July 1, 1899, page 72.6