General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




In another column will be seen the action of the General Conference Committee, recommending that the BULLETIN be offered to new subscribers for the remainder of the term, until January, 1901, for fifteen cents. Certainly no one can afford to be without this paper at that price. The official directory is published twice each year. This gives at a glance the name and address of any authorized minister or licensed minister. Under conference and local organizations may be found the names and addresses of all who hold any official capacity. GCB July 1, 1899, page 72.1

There will be two series of week of prayer readings before 1901. These you will need for frequent reference. Send fifteen cents in stamps, to the GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN, 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. Write address of subscriber plainly. GCB July 1, 1899, page 72.2

All our ministers who usually hold clergy transportation permits should look for special notice regarding this matter, in the Review and Herald of December 5. The arrangement regarding permits for 1900 will be different, and the instruction to be given in the Review should be carefully noted by our ministers. GCB July 1, 1899, page 72.3