General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




A Missionary Conference1
General Conference Proceedings2
Recommendations of the General Conference Committee5
Proceedings of the Foreign Mission Board6
Church Schools7
General Conference11
Foreign Mission Board12
International Medical Missionary and Benevolent
General Conference Association14
International Tract Society14
International Religious Liberty Association14
International Sabbath-school Association14
Australasian Union Conference14
European Union Conference15
General Conference Districts15
Local Conferences (in alphabetical order)15-22
North American Mission Fields22
Asiatic Mission Fields23
Australasian Mission Fields23
European Mission Fields23
Mexican Mission Field23
Pacific Island Missions23
South African Mission Field23
South American Mission Fields23
West Indian Mission Fields24
Educational Institutions24
Publishing Houses25
Benevolent Institutions26
Directory of City Missions26
List of Periodicals27
Summary of Conference Officers28
General Conference Constitution30

—It will be noticed that the form of the directory has been changed in this number. The names of laborers appear under their distinctive titles, with address following each name. The addresses of the officers are the same as the State office, unless given in parentheses. Suggestions regarding this form of directory, as well as corrections, are invited from our various officials and others. GCB January 1, 1899, page 32.1

A delay in issuing this number has been occasioned on account of the nature of the matter appearing therein. Being composed quite largely of the recommendations of the recent General Conference, which were contingent upon the decision of those concerning whom they were made, it has been necessary to correspond with the different persons, which has consumed time. There were also many recommendations which affected the organization of our conferences, and the directory of these could not be given in full until details were definitely settled. GCB January 1, 1899, page 32.2

—We frequently receive letters from the Home Corresponding Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board. These letters are more important than ordinary circulars, for they are made up of extracts from the correspondence of our laborers in foreign fields. It is like receiving a personal letter from each one of them, and the information they give can be used to good advantage in our little companies. These extracts are sent out with the sincere desire that some heart will be touched as they are read. GCB January 1, 1899, page 32.3