General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




This book has been a very successful seller for the year that it has been on the market. The subject-matter of the book is of deep interest to all; its price is within the reach of all; the chapters are short and right to the point, so that all will read and understand them; and its illustration is profuse and very helpful. The author’s royalty has been dedicated to meet, as far as possible, the running expenses of the mission among the colored people along the Yazoo and Mississippi rivers; hence it is a missionary book. If each State will take an interest in this work, and put out companies of new and old canvassers upon it, the results will greatly aid the mission in one of the most needy fields we have to-day. GCB January 1, 1899, page 31.22

On page 241 of the GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN, Vol. 2, and page 21 of the Daily Bulletin, the amount of the tithes paid by the Iowa Conference is shown to be $17,705.02. The amount should be $23,570.96. The tithe per member as shown in the Daily Bulletin should be $6.90, GCB January 1, 1899, page 31.23