General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




WE are looking forward to the coming week of prayer with unusual interest. The words of prophecy are in rapid fulfillment. Events are rapidly transpiring that indicate most plainly that we are nearing the close of human probation. The present situation of the Eastern question is significant. The condition of the great powers of Europe, and the general aspects of things, is everything but assuring. The persecutions of commandment-keepers, and the enforcement of laws that bring oppression to those who observe the Lord’s Sabbath, in America and in other countries of the world, are truly ominous. To the student of prophecy these things are not unexpected; but they are here in fulfillment of the word before spoken by our Lord and by prophets and apostles. While these things are so, the message is also going with greater power and rapidity than ever before. More workers have been sent abroad the last year than during many years before. The message is now being carried to nations, tongues, and peoples. Would that we could fully appreciate the full meaning of all these things. GCB October 1895, page 563.5

While these things are true, as a people we are in need of seeking God most earnestly. Where much is received, much is expected. We are the recipients of great light and great blessings from God. The Lord expects that the talents he has given will be returned to him with usury. May the coming week of prayer be such a season as we have not heretofore experienced. Prepare to free the time as much as possible from unnecessary care and labor. Let the meetings be well attended, and may all enter upon them with a determination to make the most of the opportunity. We have everything to encourage us. While it is right that we should have a sense of our own frailty and unworthiness, yet it is our privilege to look to God, the source of all grace and strength. This is a time when courage in God is called for. We are standing as it were on the very borders of our promised inheritance. There will yet be some severe conflicts to be endured, but the victory is assured as certainly as we seek the Lord, and have our hearts wholly set upon him. The spirit of Caleb is that which should possess our people everywhere; namely, a spirit to follow the Lord wholly; for if God delight in us, we are able to go up and possess the land. GCB October 1895, page 563.6

Never was there a time when we were more in need of free and large contributions to the work of the Lord, than at the present time. The large increase of laborers makes a greatly increased demand upon our funds, to support them. The laborers in foreign lands number nearly one-third more at this time than a year ago. Let our brethren and sisters prepare to make a liberal contribution to the annual offerings, and thus not only show their gratitude, but their appreciation of the time and the work with which we are connected. GCB October 1895, page 564.1

We pray that the Lord’s blessing may be realized in rich measure during the coming week of prayer, and as a result, that we may have an enlarged experience in the things of God, and a large increase of funds in the Lord’s treasury. O. A. OLSEN. GCB October 1895, page 564.2