General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




THIS number of the BULLETIN will be an interesting and valuable one. Great care has been taken by those having its preparation in charge, to have our directories complete, and corrected up to date. The BULLETIN coming out quarterly, with the directories revised each issue, is much more valuable to our workers than the year book which contained corrected directories but once a year. This paper also contains reports of important meetings of the General Conference Committee, Foreign Mission Board, and General Conference Association; and by this means our brethren can be advised in the fullest way possible of the actions taken by these important bodies. GCB October 1895, page 563.1

The reader will also notice as he looks over the pages of the present number, that we have new enterprises to mention, which have started since the previous number was printed. We speak especially of the Medical College, which is given a liberal space in this number. Most of our people have heard of this enterprise before, but in this number they will be made fully acquainted with its principles and its workings, which will doubtless be a source of satisfaction. GCB October 1895, page 563.2

Another item of interest is, that the committee appointed by the last meeting of the General Conference Association held the latter part of October, to select and secure a location for a school for the colored people in the South, have taken the matter in hand promptly, and that a location has been secured, and a portion of land bought near Huntsville, in the northern part of Alabama. The location is a very favorable one, well adapted for the purpose. The farm consists of three hundred and sixty acres, located four miles from Huntsville, a thriving city of some twelve thousand inhabitants. GCB October 1895, page 563.3

The contents of this number relate largely to the education and development of workers. It will readily be seen that matter of this kind is very much in harmony with the aims and objects of the paper. We think this number will be of special interest to all. O.A. OLSEN. GCB October 1895, page 563.4