Shall We Use Flesh Foods?


Shall We Use Flesh Foods?

1. A Selection of Spirit of Prophecy Counsels2
   Preparation for Christ’s Coming—God’s Design in Food Reform2
   Choose the Best Foods2
   Prepare Them in a Simple Appetizing Way2
   Appetite Not a Safe Guide3
   A Factor in Antediluvian Depravity3
   Why Use Secondhand Food?3
   Few Animals Free From Disease3
   Entire System Corrupted4
   Doubly Objectionable Now4
   Depreciates the Blood4
   Cancerous Tumors and Flesh Eating4
   Disease Planted in the System6
   The Real Cause Not Suspected6
   Mortality and Meat Eating6
   Fish Foods and Disease6
   If We Disregard Health Reform6
   Not the Right Food for God’s People6
   Character Building and Flesh Eating6
   Flesh Foods and Clear Thinking9
   Flesh Foods Hinder Development of All Our Powers9
   Other Considerations9
   Let Flesh Foods Alone9
   Not an ounce of Flesh Foods9
   Instruction Concerning a Change in Diet9
   Well-prepared Substitutes are Helpful9
   Guard Against a Poverty-Stricken Diet9
   Illogical Excuses9
   Responsibility of Physicians10
   Responsibility of Ministers11
   Flesh Foods and Sanitariums12
   Responsibility of Institutional Workers13
   Flesh Foods in Schools13
   Ellen G. White Reports on Benefits of Flesh-Free Diet14
   Made No Raid on Others or Their Tables14
   Tolerance of Others15
   No Precise Rules Can Be Laid Down15
   “I Have Been A Faithful Health Reformer”15
   Ellen C. White’s Appeal at the General Conference of 190916
   Health Reform a Duty16
   Is This Not the Time?16
   Before God’s People Stand Perfected16
   God is Bringing His People Back16