The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


VI. Essence of Spiritualism-Survival and Communication

According to the twofold definition of C. E. Bechhofer Roberts- CFF2 1063.7

“a Spiritualist is a person who is convinced (1) that human personality survives beyond bodily death, and (2) that the surviving spirits can, and constantly do, communicate with living people through the inter-mediacy of especially endowed individuals known as ‘mediums.’” 27 CFF2 1063.8

This is in harmony with principles four and five of the official “Declaration of Principles” of the 1955 National Spiritualist Association’s Manual, page 34, and the 1961 Year Book, pages 6, 7. All Spiritualists are agreed that this is cardinal. CFF2 1063.9


Famous British Spiritualist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (d. 1930) declared that Spiritualism’s primary lesson is to “teach us of the continued life of the soul, of the nature of that life,” and of how Spiritualism is the “very essence” of religion. And Prof. Alfred Russell Wallace pressed the same point-that “it demonstrates, as completely as the fact can be demonstrated, that the so-called dead are still alive.” 28 And with this Emma Hardinge Britten, another prominent Spiritualist, likewise concurs, adding: CFF2 1063.10

“We found our so-called dead were all living, aye, and living so near to us that they breathe our very atmosphere, share our very thought.” 29 CFF2 1064.1


The authoritative N.S.A. Year Book (1961) confirms and expands this principle in its official explanation of Spiritualism, adding the assurance of inevitable progression. CFF2 1064.2

“Spiritualism is God’s message to mortals, declaring that There Is No Death. That all who have passed on still live. That there is hope in the life beyond for the most sinful. CFF2 1064.3

“That every soul will progress through the ages to heights, sublime and glorious, where God Is Love and Love Is God.” 30 CFF2 1064.4


The two main planks, then, in Spiritualism’s platform, as repeatedly stated, are: (1) that those who have “passed on” are conscious, and can communicate with us; and (2) that there is hope for the most sinful, and that every spirit, however wicked, will progress eventually to the realms of light. So, ultimate universal salvation is likewise one of its fundamental tenets. This needs ever to be borne in mind. Errant sinners are lauded as on their destined way to highest heaven. Here are certain details. CFF2 1064.5


The soul is alleged to progress through a graduated series of spheres to a higher and ever higher existence. The lower spheres allegedly purify and prepare for the higher realms. Most of the “departed” are affirmed to be in the third sphere, called the Summer Land. Above this are said to be the Philosopher’s sphere, the Advanced Contemplative and Intellectual spheres, the Love sphere, and the Christ sphere. But all are assured of reaching the higher spheres eventually, as Spiritualists do not believe in Heaven or Hell, or that any are to be lost, as will later be seen. CFF2 1064.6


This is one of the gravest aspects of Spiritualist teachings. It asserts that the most notoriously ungodly, who died in open rebellion against God, are either already in the higher heavens in enjoyment of bliss or are on their way there in their passage through the heavenly spheres. Spiritualism thus makes void the basic distinction between righteousness and sin, and the godly and basest of men as to their ultimate destination. But the Word of God solemnly declares, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness” (Isaiah 5:20). CFF2 1065.1