The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


VII. World Triumph of Spiritualism Claimed Under Way

Spiritualism’s audacious claim concerning the significance of the event of March 31, 1848, followed by the “Code of Communication” established by the Fox sisters with the “spirits,” is voiced by Dr. B. F. Austin in his A.B.C. of Spiritualism:
“There was a mighty outpouring of spirit power upon the world resulting in the development of a large number of Mediums all over America and the general spread of the knowledge that life is continuous after death, and that communication between the mortal and the spirit realm is possible and actual.” 31
CFF2 1065.2

Then comes the assertion: “A mighty tide of thought and sentiment in favor of the main propositions of Spiritualism is sweeping over the world.” 32 And he adds: “The churches are saturated with the spirit and teachings of the Spiritualist religion.” 33 CFF2 1065.3

These are typical of similar assertions that it is sweeping onward toward its goal. CFF2 1066.1


But the climax in boldness is put forth in the final question on the “Future of Spiritualism” where Austin says: CFF2 1066.2

“The Teachings of Spiritualism under the organizations, through the press; through Psychic Research... will go on and on, conquering and to conquest [sic], until the whole world shall know and rejoice in the great truth: ‘There is no death’ and all God’s great family are linked in glad communication and fellowship.” 34 CFF2 1066.3


This view is supported by many Spiritualist writers. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, for example, foresaw Spiritualism breaking down the barriers between the sects and combining “real” Christianity with direct spirit guidance rather than receiving its authority from bygone “documents” — in other words, from the Bible. Here are his exact words concerning a simplified universal religion on a Spiritualist basis: CFF2 1066.4

“The ultimate merit of that revelation [spiritualism] which came in so humble a shape [to the Fox sisters], will be the simplification of religion, the breaking down of the barriers between sects, and a universal creed which will combine the ethics of real Christianity with direct spiritual communication, receiving our teaching not from bygone traditions and documents, but from actual contact with beings higher than ourselves. I pray that God may bless you, and that the great cause which is committed to your care may ever progress, discarding its lower manifestations and extending its higher ones, until the divine purpose has been fulfilled.” 35 CFF2 1066.5


Sir Arthur elsewhere envisioned Spiritualism as the great unifier of all religions. Here is one of his anticipations, published in an American journal: CFF2 1067.1

“If such a [Spiritualist] view of Christianity were generally accepted, and if it were enforced by assurance and demonstration from the New Revelation [alleged spirit messages] which is, as I believe, coming to us from the other side, then I think we should have a creed which might unite the churches, which might be reconciled to science, which might defy all attacks, and which might carry the Christian faith on for an indefinite period.” 36 CFF2 1067.2

Such was his sweeping “vision of hope” for the future-through Spiritualism. CFF2 1067.3


Spiritualists are more recently seeking to demonstrate by new “spirit” communications and developments that Spiritualism is the one “scientific religion” that will be accepted by modern man. Spiritualists are avowedly working for a complete breakdown of the “barriers” between the “two worlds.” CFF2 1067.4

They are seeking to sweep the whole world into their revolutionary persuasion. Shaw Desmond declares that “the veils are falling between the worlds”—“the worlds of the visible and the invisible.” He pins his hope for this ambitious accomplishment on the “potencies of the psychic.” 37 CFF2 1067.5