The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1

III. Scholars Recognize Justin’s Position on Destruction of Wicked

That we neither misstate nor misunderstand Justin’s position on the final total destruction of the wicked is sustained by the observation of many scholars of various faiths, as is apparent from a few of their terse statements: CFF1 826.2

KITTO: Justin “held that punishments, at least sensible ones, would sometime cease.” 32 CFF1 826.3

ROTHE: “Justin Martyr ... thought that God would annihilate the lost.” 33 CFF1 826.4

HAGENBACH: Justin affirmed the soul to be mortal, perishing with the body, with immortality as a reward to be acquired. 34 CFF1 826.5

BALLOU: Justin represented that “the wicked will be, eventually, annihilated.” 35 CFF1 826.6

BEECHER: Justin held and taught “the final annihilation of the wicked,” as “most eminent scholars concede.” 36 CFF1 826.7

GIESELER: Justin held that the souls of the ungodly “will be at some time wholly annihilated.” 37 CFF1 826.8

ALGER: Justin “did not believe in endless torment, but in the final annihilation of the wicked.” 38 CFF1 826.9

CONSTABLE: Justin held to the “utter destruction of existence in hell.” 39 CFF1 827.1