Millennial Musings


HYMN 120. P. M

1 Vain, delusive world, adieu,
With all your creature good;
Only Jesus we pursue,
Who bought us with his blood!
All thy pleasures we forego,
We trample on thy wealth and pride;
Only Jesus will we know,
And Jesus crucified!
MIM 133.1

2 Here will we set up our rest;
Each fluctuating heart
From the haven of his breast
Shall never more depart.
Whither should a sinner go?
His wounds for me stand open wide;
Only Jesus will we know,
And Jesus crucified!
MIM 133.2

3 O that we could all invite,
This saving truth to prove;
Show the length, the breadth, the height,
And depth of Jesus’ love!
Fain we would to sinners show,
The blood by faith alone applied;
Only Jesus will we know
And Jesus crucified!
MIM 133.3