Millennial Musings


HYMN 119. L. M

1 Shall I, for fear of feeble man,
The Spirit’s course in me restrain?
Or, undismayed, in deed and word,
Be a true witness of my Lord?
MIM 132.1

2 Awed by a mortal’s frown, shall I
Conceal the word of God most high!
How then before thee shall I dare
To stand, or how thine anger bear?
MIM 132.2

3 Shall I, to soothe th’unholy throng,
Soften thy truth, or smooth my tongue,
To gain earth’s gilded toys, or flee
The cross endured, my Lord, by thee?
MIM 132.3

4 What then is he whose scorn I dread,
Whose wrath or hate makes me afraid?
A man! an heir of death! a slave
To sin! a bubble on the wave!
MIM 132.4

5 Yes let men rage; since thou wilt spread
Thy shadowing wings around my head;
Since in all pain thy tender love
Will still my sure refreshment prove.
MIM 132.5