Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



A Resolution at the Adventist Conference
Aimed at the Troublesome
Plank in the Prohibition Platform.

The Adventists jagged along yesterday in the even tenor of their way, and accomplished considerable. At the business session of the conference a resolution was introduced denouncing all legislation that will tend to interfere with the religious liberties of the people. This refers to the plank in the Prohibition platform, calling for legislative action requiring the universal observance of Sunday as the day of rest. The conference expressed a wish to sleep over this matter before bringing it to a final issue, and the resolution was laid over till to-day. MMM 586.2

The Sabbath School association held meetings in the afternoon and Elder Haskell preached in the evening. MMM 586.3

n. a., “An Adventist Resolution” St. Paul Pioneer Press, (10/25/1888), p. 6. MMM 587.1

An Adventist Resolution

At the morning session of the Adventist conference yesterday, the resolution held over from the day before, the Sunday plank in the Prohibition platform, came up again for final action. An amendment was introduced tending to make something of a compromise on the question, but it was voted down, only one or two seeing fit to support it, and the original resolution was passed with a rush. The sentiment of the conference is very strong on this question, as exemplified by the resolution. MMM 587.2

n. a., “The Adventist Sunday” St. Paul Pioneer Press, (10/28/1888), p. 6. MMM 588.1