Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Among the score or so of lady delegates present at the conference, Mrs. E. G. White of Oakland, Cal., figures as one of the most prominent in Adventist work. Her specialty is temperance work, and in the interests of temperance, as well as for the spread of the Adventist religion, she has traveled very extensively throughout the United States and foreign countries. She has been associated with the Adventists ever since the rise of that sect about forty years ago, and in the course of that time has published a number of books on temperance and religious topics. Chief among them is “A Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan,” in four volumes, and a “Life of Paul.” Mrs. White will speak under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. of Minneapolis somewhere in the city next Sunday evening. She has two sons, one of whom, W. C. White, also of Oakland, is a delegate to the conference. He is quite prominent in Adventist circles, being a member of the general conference committee. MMM 575.2

R. A. Underwood, president of the Ohio conference, is also a member of the general committee. He is accounted one of the leading camp meeting exhorters in the country, and his duties in that line keep him traveling much of the time. Chief among the other lecturers at the camp meeting are E. W. Farnsworth and I. D. Van Horn, both of whom are delegates at the present conference. MMM 576.1

C. H. Jones is the president of the international Sabbath school association, and lives at Oakland, where he has charge of the mammoth publishing house, known as the Pacific Press. He is an indefatigable Sunday school worker. MMM 576.2

E. H. Gates, president of the Colorado conference, is the press agent of the conference. He represents his state at the conference and in addition to his other duties has charge of all the printing connected with the various meetings, including the furnishing of the annual reports. MMM 576.3

Elder D. T. Bordeau [sic] of Paris is the missionary in charge of the work in France. His duties are chiefly in the line of evangelical work. Switzerland is also included in his territory. MMM 576.4

Elder Richard Conradi represents Russia at the conference. He has labored in that country many years. On the start he was imprisoned for some time for preaching his doctrines to the people. His experiences in prison and his general observations of the Russian prison system gave him material for the very entertaining lecture which he delivered at the church last Sunday evening. MMM 576.5

J. J. Rupert represents South America in the conference. He has entire charge of that field, which is said to be a very promising one. MMM 577.1

n. a., “No Business Today” St. Paul Pioneer Press, (10/20/1888), p. 6. MMM 578.1

The Adventists Put in a Busy Day and MMM 578.2

Observe Their Sabbath on This MMM 578.3

Saturday MMM 578.4