Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Seven [sic] Day Adventists Continue
Their Sessions With a Large Attendance
in spite of the Rain—Some
Personal Allusions.

The members of the general conference of Adventists were up with the lark yesterday morning, and the day had but fairly begun when the various committees began their tasks. A little later the big bell in the steeple of the church called the delegates from their tents to the place of worship. This session was in the nature of a prayer meeting, followed by a theological discussion. At 9 o’clock the regular morning session began. Elder Waggoner of Oakland, Cal., opened the session with a sermon or lecture on the “Law and the Gospel.” He asked many questions of his hearers, and at divers times the discussion waxed warm. Mrs. E. G. White also spoke at this meeting. Her theme was the “Necessity of a Consecrated Ministry.” At 10:30 there was still another session. This was occupied mostly with reports from the Southern field by Elders Lane and Reese [sic]. In consequence of the curse of slavery in times past, this field has been a rather unproductive one, but it was thought that there were better times coming, and active canvassers are wanted. The matter of building a ship for carrying the gospel to all lands was taken up, but nothing definite decided upon. There are hardly funds enough on hand to warrant such an outlay just at present. MMM 575.1