Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis


The Adventists Talk Over Educational MMM 540.2

Matters Today. MMM 540.3

(From Yesterday’s Later Editions.) MMM 540.4

The church school system formed the burden of discussion at the Advent conference today. Prof. Prescott, of Battle Creek, who is educational secretary of the conference, made a general report of the standing of the various schools throughout the country, and recommended the establishment of church schools wherever a church had been built. He called attention to the fact that the school established in Minneapolis which is to begin its work as soon as the conference is over, was the first school of its kind this side of the Rocky mountains, though there are a number of such schools already established in California and Oregon. Prof. C. C. Lewis, of Battle Creek, and two recent graduates of the college there are coming here to take charge of the school. Bible study will be one of the principal subjects in these schools. The object of such education, as Prof. Prescott put it, was to build up a sound mind in a sound body. MMM 540.5

A small building has already been erected in Minneapolis directly opposite the church, on Lake st, for the new school, and it is designed to occupy the basement of the church for the same purpose. The Adventists are now making more strenuous efforts in the way of education than ever before. MMM 540.6

This morning Mrs. White addressed the 5:30 devotional meeting as usual, speaking on church unity and the harmony of all believers. This afternoon the first meetings of the educational society and the Adventist’s publishing society were held. Tonight Prof. Prescott will address the conference on the subject of education. MMM 540.7

n.a., “The Adventist Brethren” Minneapolis Journal, (10/30/1888), p. 2 MMM 541.1