Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Adventists And Their Missions.
A Sect Which Spends Fifty Thousand
a Year in Missionary
(From Yesterday’s Later Editions.)

The Adventists read the scriptures literally. That is why they keep the seventh day of the week, and that is why, when Christ said; “Go and preach the gospel to all nations,” they interpreted his words literally. This is precisely what they have done, as was shown by the reports from the foreign mission field this morning. It requires a map of the world to show the extent of the missions of this denomination, including as they do Africa, Europe and Australia. A little army of missionaries including 100 canvassers, 14 bible workers, 12 editors and managers of offices, seven licentiates and 25 preachers are maintained in districts scattered all over the world. It is expected to raise $50,000 next year to maintain this little army of proselyters, all engaged in foreign fields. There is now a project being discussed of establishing and building school houses in New Zealand, Australia, Scandinavia and Central Europe. If this is done, the estimates will have to be increased still farther. MMM 538.1

An estimate of expenses of maintaining the foreign missions for the coming year fixes the amount necessary at $41,615. Of this, $4,780 will be expended in Australia. $6,861 in the British Isles, $3,286 in Central Europe, $5,127 in Scandinavia, $2,320 in South Africa. In addition to this the loss in a number of journals published in various languages is estimated at $8,600. Among the miscellaneous items are $2,000 for city mission, training and canvassing school in Hamburg, $1,000 for ship mission work, $1,700 to send and maintain laborers in Russia, $2,500 to pay for tracts and pamphlets in Russian and $2,500 for the publication of tracts in other tongues in which as yet no publications have been made. MMM 538.2

These totals do not include $8,911 that is expected to raise among the natives themselves for the maintenance of their missions, making the final total of estimated expenses for the coming year over $50,000. MMM 539.1

Mrs. White made her usual address at the meeting at 5:30 this morning. She spoke on the “Goodness of God.” At 9 o’clock Dr. Waggoner resumed his teaching on law in the book of Galatians. At 10:30 the conference resumed work, and at noon adjourned until 2:30 this afternoon. At 4 o’clock the meeting of the international tract society was resumed. MMM 539.2

n.a., “The Church School System” Minneapolis Journal, (10/26/1888), p. 2 MMM 540.1