Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Adventists Take A Rest Today.
How it Happens That They Begin Their
Sabbath at Sundown Instead
of Midnight.

Today is the Sabbath among the Adventists. From sunset last night not a stroke of unnecessary work has been done, nor a particle of business transacted. After a week’s hard work, struggling with the doctrinal questions of theology and the practical question of ways and means for spreading the truth, the members of the conference are well content to rest a day. Instead of 5:30 as usual, the first meeting this morning did not begin until 9 o’clock; that was the meeting of the Sunday school. MMM 536.1

At 10:30 Elder Haskell preached the morning sermon. The little church was filled to overflowing. From all the country round the people came, conspicuous by the sober neatness of their Sabbath dress. Under their arms they carried large, gilt-edged copies of the Bible. In their faces shone the radiance of inward peace. MMM 536.2

This afternoon Sister White addressed the gathering. She spoke as usual without notes. Tonight the Rev. A. P. Jones [sic], of Oakland, Cal., is expected to speak. MMM 536.3

As the sun sinks below the horizon tonight the Sabbath of the Adventists is over and they return once more to the thoughts of business. Tomorrow morning they will be hard at work again. MMM 537.1

The reason why they begin the Sabbath at sundown instead of at midnight is a little peculiar. The Biblical account of creation says, “the evening and the morning were the first day.” And so in speaking of the various days of creation each is described as “the evening and the morning.” On the seventh God rested, and so his peculiar people, the Seventh Day Adventists, do likewise. And as the evening and the morning made up the original seventh day, they begin their Sabbath with sundown. There is a prophecy in Revelation which speaks of those who “wear the mark of the beast on their forehead and in their right hands.” The beast here spoken of is interpreted by the Adventists as meaning the Catholic church. The observance of Sunday as the Sabbath they claim to be an innovation introduced early in the Christian era by the Catholic church. Accordingly, say these Adventists, all who keep a Sunday Sabbath wear the “mark of the beast.” That is one reason why they are such strict Sabbatarians. It is either monstrous egotism or sublime faith which leads them to apply this text to themselves; Here are they who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” MMM 537.2

n.a., “Preaching to All Men” Minneapolis Journal. (10/23/1888). p. 2.