Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



In the second epistle of Peter, second chapter, first verse, a class is spoken of as “denying the Lord that bought them.” There are many ways in which we may deny our Lord. The degrees of denial vary all the way from a neglect to recognize some minor office of our Saviour, to a total and complete repudiation of him as the divine Son of God and the world’s Redeemer. All denials of our Lord are sine of a grave character, and it becomes us to give candid and careful attention to the subject, in order that we be not guilty of offense in this particular. MMM 404.25

An open and plain denial of the divinity of Christ, and of the validity of his claim as the Redeemer, cannot be mistaken. There is no occasion for any to be deceived by those who thus boldly and unequivocally deny the Lord: whoever gives assent to the positions taken by, and identifies himself with, them, does so with his eyes wide open, well knowing what he is about. It is not this class that is brought to view by the apostle Peter. He refers to those “who privily shall bring in damnable heresies.” The Greek word here used, and which is rendered “who privily shall bring in,” means properly, to lead in by the side of other; to lead in along with others. The false doctrines that Peter is warning against are those that are brought in along with others that are true. They are brought in “privily;” that is, either with a degree of intentional caution and secrecy, or of unintentional ignorance or misapprehension. MMM 404.26

It is admissible to Say that all doctrines, beliefs, or practices, that deny to Christ any of the offices that belong to him in any of his several capacities, come under the ban of the apostle; and the adherents of such doctrines, beliefs, or practices, should heed the warning given, otherwise their situation is a dangerous one. If made aware of the fact that they are “denying the Lord that bought them,” they cannot reasonably hope to escape the “swift destruction” that is assured, unless they turn from the error of their ways, seek pardon for past transgressions in this particular, and thereafter endeavor to avoid falling into similar faults. MMM 404.27

There are many papal doctrines that are such complete denials of Christ as to need little or no argument to convince candid minds; a mere mention of them is sufficient to show that they belong in the category of “damnable heresies” had in view by the apostle. Of such are the doctrines of mariaoltry, saint worship, papal infallibility, dispensations, transubstantiation, the mass, absolution, and others that might be mentioned. MMM 404.28

There are doctrines that are held by many Protestants that are denials of Christ. The doctrine of inherent immortality denies to Christ the office of “Lifegiver;” for if man never dies, he has no occasion to look to Christ for immortality. The doctrine of immediate entrance, at death, of the righteous into a state of happiness, and the wicked into a state of misery, denies the resurrection and future judgment; for if human beings are thus summarily disposed of at death, there is no occasion for a resurrection and an after judgment. Thus are the words of Christ himself-“I am the resurrection”-denied, and his office as high priest in the second apartment of the heavenly sanctuary, rendered useless. The doctrine of the abolition of the law of God, denies in its entirety the whole work of Christ as the Saviour of mankind, and as the Advocate with the Father. It denies that there was any occasion for Christ to shed his blood for a lost race; for if the law is abolished, there can be no sin; and if no sin, then there is no occasion for “an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” If God’s law could have been abolished, that consummation could have been reached by other means than by the death of God’s only Son. All law-making powers have the same authority to abrogate or repeal laws of their own enactment, as they had to enact them. MMM 404.29

But to come a little nearer home, it may be well to inquire if there are any particulars in which Christ is denied by those who do not hold to any of the dangerous doctrines above mentioned. Let us see. MMM 404.30

It is very common to hear people speak in social meetings of their desire and determination to “perfect characters that shall be acceptable to God,” or “that shall stand in the judgment.” This can never be done; besides, if it could, it would be denying to Christ what he proposes to do for us. When our cases are called in the judgment, our own righteousness will count for nothing. If it be shown in the heavenly records that our sins have all been confessed and forgiven, in and through the merits of Christ’s blood, then his righteousness will be imputed to us, and thereby we shall become possessed of a character that will pass the test. The mistake is in entertaining the idea that we, by our own personal exertions, can become possessed of merits that will be distinctively our own. In Galatians 2:20, Paul says “I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” We are dependent upon God for our very inclinations to do right. “No man can come to me [Christ]. except the Father which hath sent me draw him.” John 6:44. We are dependent upon God in the exercise of our wills. “It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure,” Philippians 2:13. We can do “all things through Christ” who strengtheneth us (chap. 4:13), but nothing without him, Then all that is meritorious, whether visible in our words, acts, or general life conduct, is to be attributed to Christ. This is why Paul could say “Where is boasting then?-It is excluded. By what law? of works?-Nay; but by the law of faith.” Romans 3:27. If we could obtain merits that were distinctively our own, and such as would be recognized by God, boasting would not be excluded. He who hopes to be able to say, when his case is called in the judgment, that he has perfected a character that will stand the test, will most certainly be disappointed; he will find that he has been entertaining a false hope; he has denied the Lord that bought him. MMM 404.31

Doubtless many who talk about perfecting characters that will stand the test of the judgment, do not mean just what they say; their ideas may be correct. They may realize that their own righteousness is and always will be as “filthy rags.” Why, then, use incorrect terms in expressing their thoughts? “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Those who, by their words, convey a wrong idea or in erroneous doctrine, may lead others to fully embrace it, and thus accomplish much harm. It is far better to have correct ideas respecting so important a matter as Christian life and conduct, and then we shall be more sure of using correct terms. What Christians should really strive for, is to have Christ developed in them to that extent that his characteristics will be visible in all they think, say, or do. Christ should be all and in all. They should not study themselves to nee how much of merit, of goodness, and of virtue they have become possessed of, but to what extent they are living the life of their great substitute-Christ. MMM 404.32

Another particular wherein a mistake is made, is in thinking that we can overcome sin. Many Christians speak of their desire and determination to overcome their sins. Expressions of this character may be heard in almost any prayer-meeting, and some people even pray to God that he will help them to overcome their sins. Although it may not be intended, such a faith as this is a denial of Christ. Sins are matters of the past; they are transgressions that we have committed. The only way in which sins are to be treated or disposed of, is by repentance, confession, pardon, and blotting out. Repentance and confession are ours; pardon and blotting out belong to God. If we secure pardon for our sins, it will be through the merits of Christ; and thus if it were proper to speak of sins as being overcome, it would be Christ who overcomes them, and not ourselves. If we could overcome our sins, there would be no occasion to seek forgiveness for them through the merits of Christ’s blood. Hence, a hope of overcoming sins denies to Christ the office of securing pardon for them through his blood. Sinful tendencies may be overcome; but even in this, we can do nothing only as we have help from God for Christ’s sake. As has been before remarked, we need to give constant and diligent study, in order that we do not deny the Lord that bought us, and thus subject ourselves to condemnation. MMM 404.33

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-He that would speak well must learn to be silent; for to talk much is not eloquence, but prating.-John Arndt. MMM 404.34

-O for hearts of fire, for zeal for souls, that if we do no more, we may plead with God with burning thoughts, burning longings, burning desires, for God’s glory in the salvation of souls!-Dr. Pussey. MMM 404.35

-There are two modes of establishing our reputation-to be praised by honest men, and to be abused by rogues-it is best, however, to secure the former, because it will be invariably followed by the latter.-Cotton. MMM 404.36

The Committee on Resolutions offered the following for consideration:- MMM 405.1

Whereas, The Holy Spirit has distinctly taught the necessity of home missionary work; and,- MMM 405.2

Whereas, Fruits of its workings are seen in hundreds’ embracing the truth; therefore,- MMM 405.3

Resolved, That we do what we can by visiting, holding Bible readings, scattering publications, securing subscriptions for our periodicals, by correspondence, and in other ways, as the way may open, and our time permit. MMM 405.4

Resolved, That all our people be particular to attend the fourth-Sabbath meetings, and heed the good readings, and be liberal in their donations to support this local work. MMM 405.5

Whereas, The canvassing work is the most economical method of putting present truth into the homes of the people; and,- MMM 405.6

Whereas, We need twenty workers in this Conference where there is now one, to sow the seeds of truth everywhere; therefore,- MMM 405.7

Resolved, That we recommend the systematic method of canvassing by small companies, with a leader over each company, that inexperienced persons may be employed in the work, and be instructed by the leader so as to make competent workers. MMM 405.8

Resolved, That the T. and M. State Secretary officiate as State agent of the canvassing work. MMM 405.9

Whereas, The American Sentinel exists to set forth our American constitutional rights and liberties; and,- MMM 405.10

Whereas, Our religious liberties are in great jeopardy; therefore,- MMM 405.11

Resolved, That we recommend our canvassers to take subscriptions for the Sentinel, in connection with orders for “Marvel of Nations,” as far as possible. MMM 405.12

These resolutions were spoken to by Eld. Van Horn and others, and adopted. MMM 405.13

Adjourned sine die MMM 405.14

J. M. Rees, Pres MMM 405.15

J. H. Dortch, Sec MMM 405.16