Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



fourth day’s proceedings

Sunday, Oct. 21, 1888, 10:30, a. m. Prayer by R. A. Underwood. Minutes read, and after a slight verbal correction, approved. MMM 402.2

The committees on General Conference business not being prepared to report, A. R. Henry introduced business pertaining to the General Conference Association, and made a report of the standing of the same, based on the “Report of the Various Missions,” which had been printed and distributed to the delegates. (This will appear in the forth-coming Year Book for 1889.) Some time was taken up in the discussion of the various items introduced; and the report was finally referred back to the treasurer for a more complete statement on some points. MMM 402.3

W. C. White, as Foreign Mission Secretary, presented his report, giving a general view of the missionary field. This not being completed when the hour for adjournment arrived, the remainder was deferred to another meeting. Adjourned to call of Chair. MMM 402.4

fifth day’s proceedings

Monday, Oct. 22, 10:30, a. m. Prayer by Wm. Covert. Minutes read and approved. A line from Eld. Butler, respecting his state of health, reporting a somewhat more favorable condition, was read to the Conference. MMM 402.5

W. C. White resumed his report as Foreign Mission Secretary, a summary of which may be presented as follows:- MMM 402.6

By reference to the minutes of the last Conference, we find that six of the thirty resolutions and committee reports relate to foreign mission work. The particular subjects referred to in these were:- MMM 402.7

1. The Missionary Ship. MMM 402.8

2. The Christmas Offerings to Missions. MMM 402.9

3. The Prosperity of our Missions. MMM 402.10

4. Our Approval of Mission Schools for Canvassers. MMM 402.11

5. Approval of the Establishment of the British Publishing House in London. MMM 402.12

6. Suggesting the First-day Offerings for Missions. MMM 402.13

As the third, fourth, and fifth referred to steps already taken, we need not speak of them particularly; but cannot refrain from remarking that the prosperity of our missions for which we were so thankful one year ago, has increased and continued to the present time, as is shown by the reports given by Elds. Haskell and Conradi, and by the statistical reports which will hereafter appear. MMM 402.14

The time of our most efficient missionaries during the last year has been largely given to the educating and training of younger laborers, and to the preparation of books, which are essential to the future prosperity of the work. Especially is this the case with the Central European and the British missions; and the experience of the year confirm us in the belief that it is necessary to give our first and best efforts to the training of laborers for all branches of the work, and for all classes of society. MMM 402.15

The three resolutions relating to future work have been carried out something as follower:- MMM 402.16

While the committee were considering the matter of building a ship, Eld. Cudney borrowed one, and has gone on his way to the Pacific islands. MMM 402.17

The Christmas donations amounted to the generous sum of $27,162.89. Without this, we do not know how our faithful missionaries could have been kept in the field without actual suffering. MMM 402.18

The recommendation of the Financial Committee, that our people everywhere literally carry out the advice of the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:2, “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him,” as a weekly, free will offering in behalf of the foreign work, has been quite generally undertaken by our people. Over 23,000 boxes, prepared for the reception of these offerings, have been sent out to the several Conferences, and distributed. At the annual sessions of the State Conferences, this plan of benevolence has been unanimously approved; and we trust that as soon as the plan is fully in operation, we shall see a more liberal support furnished to all our missionary enterprises. MMM 402.19

The amount received from these boxes the first quarter was $1,231.46; for the second quarter, $2,962.38; the reports for the third quarter have not all come in. If we may suppose that there were in use 1,500 boxes in the second quarter, the average amount of the quarter’s donations is lees than two dollars apiece. We must believe that this average will be largely increased during the coming year. MMM 402.20

Of the forty-seven recommendation made by the Committee on the Distribution of Labor, there were ten relating to foreign fields; and in accordance with these recommendations,- MMM 402.21

Eld. G. C. Tenney spent about four months at the Pacific Press Publishing House, gathering information and experience in editorial and publishing work, and then proceeded to Australia, where he received a cordial welcome, and has been made president of their Conference just organized. MMM 402.22

Eld. J. M. Erikson has labored successfully in Stockholm, Sweden, where we have a large and growing church. MMM 402.23

Eld. H. P. Holser, sent to Basle to act as treasurer of the Central European Mission, and to take the overnight of the book sales department in the publishing house, has also been chosen president of the Central European Conference. MMM 402.24

Eld. D. A. Robinson, called away from the African field to assist Eld. Haskell in London, is now acting as one of the editors of the Present Truth, and is principal teacher in the London City Mission Training-school. In a recent letter which he writes, are the following items of interest:- MMM 402.25

1. The success that Bro. Arnold has had in the canvassing work demonstrates that it can be made a success. A new and cheap edition of “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation” is needed, which could be sold by thousands, at about a crown ($1.20) per copy. MMM 402.26

2. They are now printing the “Ministration of Angels” as revised by Eld. J. H. Waggoner. MMM 402.27

3. A different location is desirable for the Office on Paternoster Row. One on the ground floor would be better. The T. and M. Society in London send out weekly about 350 Present Truths. About fifty are sent each Sunday evening to the preaching services. The work there is thoroughly organized, and souls are accepting the truth. It would be much better to have books and tracts bearing the London imprint. A suggestion was made that a special edition of the Present Truth be issued for New Years, and about 20,000 copies circulated throughout the United Kingdom, and also that a change be made in the name of the paper. MMM 402.28

4. Bro. William Arnold has spent about two months in London, selling “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation,” and has discovered that there is a demand for such works in England, and that a wise and energetic canvasser can succeed in that field. Our brethren in London petition that Bro. Arnold may return as early as March, to continue this work and to teach others. MMM 402.29

Bro. G. E. Langdon, who was recommended to go to the assistance of Bro. Daniells, in New Zealand, was detained by business matters, and Bro. Robert Hare, of New Zealand, who has spent two years studying and laboring in California, was ordained, and has returned to his native land, and is now laboring with Bro. Daniells, in Napier. MMM 402.30

Bro. R. A. Hart has labored faithfully as business manager in the Christiana Publishing House, and our Scandinavian brethren wish him to return. MMM 402.31

Eld. I. J. Hankins, who took the place of Eld. Robinson in the South African field, is laboring in Cape Town and vicinity, and has the care of the book depository, from which many publications are sold to persons becoming interested in the message, and through three faithful book agents in the field. We believe that another minister, or business man to take charge of the book business, ought to be sent to this field. MMM 402.32

Bro. A. La Rue, who was recommended to labor as ship missionary in the islands of the Pacific, after spending about two months in Honolulu, proceeded to Hong Kong, China, where he is selling books, tracts, and periodicals, with the assistance of Bro. Olson, who was converted on the passage, through Bro. La Rue’s labors. I will here read a portion of his letter:- MMM 402.33

Queens Road, Hong Kong, July 26, 1888. MMM 402.34

Dear Bro. White: I left Oakland for Honolulu Dec. 7, 1887. Was there until March 21, 1888, during which time I closed out the stock of books left at that place. I sold what I could; brought about ten dollars’ worth with me, and the balance I sent to the Signs Office. Of the tracts and pamphlets I brought with me (and I supposed I had a large supply), I find nearly all are used up already. I have sent quite a large number by mail to different parts of the country. The postage is high. MMM 402.35

I never saw people read our publications better than they do here. I put up a distributer, labeled, “Read and Return,” in I which I put eighty pamphlets, and I am beginning to think I will never see one of them again; but I am glad to have them read, and would rather pay for them myself than not have them circulated, for they are stirring up things wonderfully. MMM 402.36

You may rest assured that I will use our publications with great discretion and to the best advantage, and will try to see that there is nothing lost or wasted. MMM 402.37

I have no bill against the Conference aside from my time, which began Dec. 7, 1887, when I left you last fall. I keep up all expenses of the mission work by subscription and book sales. I have more than done this thus far, and believe I can do it right along. [This has reference to profits alone.] MMM 402.38

Now I wish to speak of the ship-work on the Asiatic coast, which is a very important work indeed. With the exception of the ocean mall-steamers, I find very few ships that have ever heard of our books and publications. Here the ships are not allowed to come to the wharf at all, but are obliged to load and unload by lighters. In this respect it is different than on the United States’ coast. The harbor is about ten miles square, and the vessels are anchored all over it. The sampan, or boat-hire, comes to about $150 a year. This is an unavoidable expense, and cannot be helped. If the Conference will pay this or a part of it, it will help me in the work. MMM 402.39

Bro. Olson has been with me from the first; and, although he gives his time to the work, he is some expense to me. I do not complain, however, for it takes two to manage the work here, and I do not know how I could get along with out him. It is just the work he needs, to give him the necsesary experience. What a wonderful work the Lord has done for him in so short a time! He has quit the sea forever, and is so careful, saving, and contented-so different from what he used to be. He talks some of trying to get back to his home in Sweden. MMM 402.40

It does seem to me that there should be some ship missions, similar to this, started immediately in Shanghai, Yokohama, and Singapore. It seems to me that this should have been taken hold of at least five years ago. If it had been, how different it would be here now. We should have a home among our own people here. MMM 402.41

Your brother in the work, MMM 402.42

A. La Rue. MMM 402.43

From the following, we see that there are in our foreign mission fields:- MMM 402.44

Preachers: 17 Americans, 9 native, total, 26; licentiates: 1 American, 6 native, total, 7; editors and office managers: 7 American, 5 native, total, 12; Bible workers: 10 American, 4 native, total, 14; canvassers (all but six of whom are native): 50 male, 50 female, total, 100; workers in printing-offices not otherwise counted: 30 male, 24 female, total, 54. This gives a total of 213. MMM 402.45

Forty of these are laborers who have been sent from America, and of the 172 native workers, 22 are preachers, editors, and Bible workers; 96 are canvassers, and 54 are employes of the printing-houses. MMM 402.46

As the question has been asked, “What will it probably cost to maintain our foreign missions on their present scale of work?” and it seems very desirable to know beforehand how much money we need to raise during the year for this work, we have endeavored to examine the accounts of the year, comparing them with the amounts paid our missionaries in 1887, in order to secure an approximate estimate of next year’s expenses, provided we make no addition to our present corps of workers. Our estimate is as follows:- MMM 402.47

Australian, 5 native, 4 Am. laborers,$2,060 00$4,730 00
British, 9 native, 9 Am. laborers,1,175 006,861 00
Cent. Eu., 27 native, 5 Am. laborers,3,500 004,286 32
Scandinav., 7 native, 6 Am. laborers,1,551 005,127 49
South Afric., 2 native, 4 Am. laborers,1,620 051,320 30
Total,$9,906 05$22,315 11

To this may be added:- MMM 402.48

Annual loss on Present Truth (16-page semi monthly),$1,200
Rent on British Mission office, sales-room and M. T. school,1,300
Loss on the Fr. and Germ. journals pub. at Basle,1,800
Loss on Scandinav. journals, pub. at Christiana,800
Expense of maintaining the missionary ship, with a crew of 5 men, and 4 competent laborers,3,500

To this might be added the probable expense of some of the most important enterprises in which we ought to engage at once:- MMM 402.49

A city mis. and canvassing school in Hamburg,$2,000
For ship mission work,1,000 00
To send and maintain 2 laborer in Russia,1,700 00
To issue Russian publications (tracts, pamphlets, and letters)2,500 00

To issue tracts and leaflets in other tongues in which we now have nothing, 2,500 00 Total, $9,700 00 Grand Total, $40,625 11 MMM 402.50

Our brethren sometimes ask, “Will the cause in these mission fields ever be self-sustaining?” In Switzerland it is so nominally; in New Zealand it is the same; in Victoria, Australia, it would be so, if the brethren confined their labors to that colony; but Victoria is only one of the five Australian colonies, and shall we expect the three or four churches of that colony to bear the burden of sending the truth to New South Wales, to South Australia, to Queensland, and to Western Australia? This example illustrates the whole question. Our churches raised up in foreign lands are just as faithful as our American brethren, in paying their tithes, and are liberal according to their ability in sustaining missionary enterprises. Shall we stand quietly by, waiting for the cause in these countries to gain strength to carry the message to the great mission fields around? Or will the American brethren continue to use the experience and financial strength which God has granted them in pushing forward the work in foreign lands? It seems to me there can be but one answer to such a question. MMM 402.51

There is a most promising field now open in Holland. Shall we furnish the necessary means to issue the publications needed in this country? I believe our brethren will say, “Yes.” MMM 402.52

Another question which is sometimes raised is this, “Will our mission printing-houses ever be self-sustaining?” The answer is much the same as that about the missions. The larger books being published, pay their way; but there is not sufficient profit on these to bear the expense of translating and publishing new books. There is now a great demand for tracts in the Russian language. The expense of translating and publishing these will be considerable, and the returns for the first year or two will be very slight. MMM 403.1

There is a call for books in the Polish and Hungarian languages, also, in the Finnish, Armenian, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Chinese, Indian, Hawaiian, and the native tongues. Shall we print them? Or shall we wait till our office in Basle can save enough money from the sale of the few German and French books which are now paying a small profit, to bear the expense of this new enterprise? MMM 403.2

Every new book of considerable size requires $1,000 or $2,000 of capital to meet the expense of translating and type-setting, and to buy the stock upon which it is printed. The “History of the Sabbath” in German and French is now in process of publication. This large work put into two languages will require $2,000 or $3,000 of capital. Shall we go forward with the publication? Or shall we stop for lack of means? This illustrates the publishing problem as it presents itself in each of the mission offices. I believe we should be profoundly thankful that the Lord has opened the way, so that our books will sell in these mission fields. MMM 403.3

We see that new books will constantly be called for in those countries where work is now most successful, as well as for the new fields not yet entered; and as the publication of each new work requires capital, we shall need to set apart each year a liberal sum for this purpose. MMM 403.4

The Australian work can probably be carried on with Australian capital, and it may be that the increase in the African stock can be provided for in the same way; but the Scandinavian house will no doubt require an increase of $3,000 or $4,000 dollars in its stock. MMM 403.5

The advantages of doing the printing for Great Britain and the colonies, in London, are such that we believe $10,000 should be invested there, and as much more in the work at Basle. MMM 403.6

The past year has witnessed some increase in the number of Sabbath-keepers in the Scandinavian countries. A tent-meeting has been held in Sweden, conducted by J. M, Erikson. They have had a large hearing, and some eighteen or twenty have begun the observance of the Sabbath. Two churches have been organized up to the present time, one at West Boda, with sixteen members, and one at Geffle, with fourteen members. The whole number baptized during the year is forty-seven. A good degree of interest is manifested in many places to hear the truth. The churches have not received the help so much needed, especially in the line of the tract and missionary and the Sabbath-school work. Since the close of the mission school, twenty-eight colporters have been at work, and they have had a good degree of success, so that with a little encouragement they have paid their own way. The aggregate amount of book sales up to September 1, as nearly as we can learn, amounts to $5,410.09. Sweden seems to be a good field for labor, but we lack both men and means to push the work as would be desirable. MMM 403.7

In Denmark, also, an increase of interest is manifested. A tent-meeting has been held at Holbek the past summer, with a good degree of interest. Quite a number have begun to obey the truth. One new church was added to the Conference. The whole number baptized was forty. Since the close of the mission-school, fourteen colporters have been at work. The amount of book sales was about $558. Here, too, we find many calls for labor, and a rising interest in a number of places. The obstacles in the way of the canvassing work are very great, as the law of the land is opposed to us in selling books the way we do. Here also the tract and missionary work, and the Sabbath-school work have been neglected. The reason for this neglect is that we have not been able to get around to these branches of the work. MMM 403.8

In Norway we cannot present so much apparent success, yet there are many encouraging features. Since the close of the Conference, Bro. Brorson has labored in the northern part of the kingdom, where he has met with very encouraging success. On different islands there, he has found people very much interested to hear the truth. In one place eighteen had begun to obey the truth, at his last writing. There are also Sabbath-keepers at other places, and many other open places in which to present the truth. Also in the south of Norway we find an interest is being awakened at different places. Much could be done; If we only had the needed laborers and means with which to carry the work forward. Here In Norway we have seven active colporters. Since the close of our mission-school, they have disposed of about $1,461.21 worth of book. All of them are of good courage, and some of them are meeting with very good success for this country. Besides this, there are others working mostly for our health paper, some of whom are not of our people. MMM 403.9

a general glance or summary over the past year

We have now, in all, 24 churches, with a membership of 766; and of scattering Sabbath-keepers not yet organized into churches, 265, making a total of 1,031 Sabbath-keepers. Still this is not complete, as a number have embraced the truth more recently who have not been placed with these figures. We now hare 40 colporters, and 8 ministers. We have sold about $8,063 worth of books, wholesale. We have printed 4,000 “Life of Christ,” Swedish; and 4,000 “Life of Christ,” Danish; 4,000 Swedish “Home Hand Books,” and 4,000 Danish; the number of tracts and pamphlets, Swedish and Danish, different sizes, from a four-page tract to the largest size of pamphlets, 135,000 copies; have printed 24,000 Tidendes, 24,000 Harolden, 90,000 Danish Health Journal, and 50,000 Swedish Health Journal Have 4,000 subscribers for the Danish Health Journal, and about the same for the Swedish; and with the blessing of God our courage and prospects are good. MMM 403.10

Bro. White stated that the question would doubtless be raised whether our foreign publications might be made self-supporting. MMM 403.11

Under the existing state of things, this would be impossible. Papers are published very cheaply in Europe, especially in England, and in order to sell our publications there at all, they must also be furnished at a very low rate,-so low that, with a small edition, as we now publish, there must be a constant financial lose. If we could publish in editions of 100,000 or more, the foreign papers would be self-supporting. MMM 403.12

The necessity of establishing schools in the various countries of Europe, where our young people can be properly educated in the work, was also dwelt upon by the speaker; this at the present time seems to be an absolute necessity. The work will be greatly retarded there unless such schools can be established. MMM 403.13

With reference to furthering the Conference business, it was- MMM 403.14

Moved, That the regular program of proceedings be suspended for to-day, and another meeting of the General Conference be held at 2:30 p. m., and the International T. and M. Society at 4 p. m. MMM 403.15

This motion was carried, and the Conference adjourned to 2:30 p. m. MMM 403.16

Conference again convened at 2:30 p. m., as per adjournment. Prayer by I. D. Van Horn. Minutes approved. MMM 403.17

The Chairman called attention to the important points made in the Foreign Mission Secretary’s report of the preceding meeting, and called upon Bro. Conradi to speak in regard to the education of workers for the European field. Bro. C. entertained the Conference for about forty-five minutes with an account of the methods resorted to there, to accomplish their work, the difficulties to be met, and the plans adopted to surmount them. He stated that they bad sold upward of $10,000 worth of books in Central Europe, the past year. One hundred canvassers have at times been at work in that field. MMM 403.18

The Chairman occupied the remainder of the time with an interesting account of the work in London and other parts of England, and the needs of the cause there. It was then- MMM 403.19

Moved, That the report of the Foreign Mission Secretary be accepted.-Carried. MMM 403.20

Adjourned to call of Chair. MMM 403.21

sixth day’s proceedings

Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1888. Conference was called at 10:30 a. m. Prayer by J. B. Goodrich. Minutes approved. MMM 403.22

The Committee on Resolutions presented the following partial report:- MMM 403.23

Whereas, The Lord in his mercy has gone before us, during the past year, directing and aiding in the establishment of new missions in distant parts of the world, and also blessing and advancing the work is those already established; therefore- MMM 403.24

1. Resolved, That we herewith express anew our gratitude for God’s goodness, and our confidence and faith in the third angel’s message, and that we pledge ourselves to support and further its dissemination in whatever way the Lord directs, whether it be in the starting of new missions, or the advancing of the work in those missions already established. MMM 403.25

Whereas, There has been a lack of instruction to church officers, and a consequent failure in our churches on the point of proper discipline, and a lowering of the standard of membership; therefore,- MMM 403.26

2. Resolved, That we urge the officers of the various State Conferences to provide at camp-meetings and all general meetings, Instruction on what the Bible teaches as to church discipline, and on the duties of church officers and members; that all young ministers may be fully instructed on these subjects before being sent out to teach; and that it be considered the duty of ministers to give to companies about to be organized, thorough instruction on the duties which, according to the Scriptures, the members owe to one another. MMM 403.27

Whereas, Many souls are lost to the cause of God for lack of proper encouragement, exhortation or reproof from those whose duty it is to look after the flock therefore,- MMM 403.28

3. Resolved, That we strenuously urge the officers of every church, and of the Sabbath school and the missionary society connected therewith, to meet together for prayer and counsel, as often as once a month; and that proper steps be taken by the officers to ascertain the standing both spiritual and temporal, of every member, so that assistance may be rendered when necessary. MMM 403.29

Whereas, We recognize temperance as one of the Christian graces; therefore,- MMM 403.30

4. Resolved, That we heartily indorse the principles of the American Health and Temperance Association, in protesting against the manufacture and sale of all spirituous and malt liquors, and fn discarding the use of tea, coffee, opium, and tobacco, and that we urge upon all people the importance of these principles. MMM 403.31

Resolved, That while we pledge ourselves to labor earnestly and zealously for the prohibition of the liquor traffic, we hereby utter an earnest protest against connecting with the temperance movement, any legislation which discriminates in favor of any religious class or institution, or which tends to the infringement of anybody’s religious liberty; and that we cannot sustain or encourage any temperance party or any other organization which indorses or favors such legislation. MMM 403.32

Whereas, Kind nursing and the alleviation of pain by the wise use of simple remedies, is one of the surest was of reaching the hearts of people; therefore,- MMM 403.33

6. Resolved, That we recognize the fact that a wide and promising missionary field is open before trained nurses who have a knowledge of Bible truth, together with tact and consecration; and further,- MMM 403.34

7. Resolved, That, recognizing the good work which the Medical and Surgical Sanitarium is doing in its training-school for nurses, we recommend that the officers of the various Conferences seek out suitable young persons, and encourage them to attend the Sanitarium Training-school, in order to fit themselves for this branch of missionary work. MMM 403.35

On motion to adopt this report, it was taken up for discussion. A motion to refer resolution two back to the committee was lost. MMM 403.36

As resolution five was under discussion, the Conference adjourned to call of Chair. MMM 403.37

seventh day’s proceedings

Wednesday, Oct 24, 1888, 10:30 a. m. Prayer by J. E. Swift. Minutes approved. MMM 403.38

A communication from Eld. Butler was read, in which he set forth the necessity of his withdrawing from all official responsibilities in the Conference, till he shall regain his health. MMM 403.39

The discussion of resolution five, under consideration when the Conference adjourned, was resumed. MMM 403.40

Moved, That resolutions six and seven be postponed, and made the special order on some evening when Dr. Kellogg can be present.-Carried. MMM 403.41

An amendment was offered to resolution four, to add the words, “as beverages,” after the words “spirituous and malt liquors,” but was lost. MMM 403.42

The report was then adopted. The Committee on Resolutions reported further as follows:- MMM 403.43

Whereas, We see in the fast-Increasing strength and influence of the National Reform Party, a menace to religious freedom in this country, and also a proof of the correctness of our positions; and,- MMM 403.44

Whereas, Many are not aware of the results which will follow when this party shall secure its aims; therefore,- MMM 403.45

8. Resolved, That we will awake to the importance of this question, and will put forth greater exertion to scatter the light of Bible truth upon it, by circulating the American Sentinel, and other literature of a similar nature; further,- MMM 403.46

9. Resolved, That we believe it to be the solemn duty of our ministers and laborers to qualify themselves to present the correct views of the relationship between religion and the State, in their labors everywhere. MMM 403.47

Whereas, Many have not the books of reference necessary to obtain full Information on the subject of National Reform; and,- MMM 403.48

Whereas, We deem the instruction given on this subject by Eld. A. T. Jones very important; therefore,- MMM 403.49

10. Resolved, That we request that the same, or the principal part of it, be furnished In pamphlet form. MMM 403.50

Separate action was taken on each resolution, and all were adopted. MMM 403.51

The Committee on Finance reported as follows:- MMM 403.52

Your committee appointed to take into consideration the financial wants of the cause, find that It requires not less than $50,000 a year to carry on the missions already established in different parts of the world. These missions have been established in the providence of God, and must be supported by free-will offering from our people; and as we are permitted to carry the tight of the third angel’s message to the world, and sustain tills important work by our means and our prayers, we offer the following suggestions:- MMM 403.53

Whereas, The plan adopted for the last two years, of having a week of prayer in December, with important instructions to be read each day to our people, has proved a great spiritual blessing to all our churches which have carried out the plans suggested; therefore, we recommend:- MMM 403.54

1. That Dec. 15-22, 1888, be set apart by all our churches as a week of prayer. MMM 404.1

2. That Sabbath, Dec. 15, be appointed as a day of fasting and prayer for our brethren and sisters in all parts of the world. MMM 404.2

Whereas, We recognize that the harvest is great, and consecrated laborers are few, and the cause is languishing for devoted persons to fill responsible positions in all branches of the work; therefore, we recommend,- MMM 404.3

3. That Sabbath, Dec. 22, also be set apart as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer, that God may raise up faithful laborers, and sustain those already in the field. MMM 404.4

4. That appropriate articles or Bible readings be prepared to be read in all our churches, setting forth more definitely the wants of the foreign missions, and the dangers and duties of the present time. MMM 404.5

5. That a council of church, Sabbath-school, and T. and M. officers be held on Sabbath, Dec. 8, to prayerfully consider this matter, and to lay definite plans to carry out the same successfully. MMM 404.6

6. That a committee be appointed to make out a program of Christmas exercises to be sent to all our churches. MMM 404.7

7. That on Monday evening, Dec. 24, or on Christmas Day, our people everywhere assemble in their respective places of worship, prepared to manifest their love for God and interest in his work, by making liberal donations to foreign missions. MMM 404.8

Whereas, From all parts of the world, calls for work and laborers multiply, and missions in operation are suffering at present from lack of means and help; therefore, we recommend,- MMM 404.9

8. That we herewith anew call the attention of our people everywhere to the provision made in the word of God in 1 Corinthians 16:2; also to the resolution passed at our last General Conference, and most heartily recommend its execution. MMM 404.10

9. We further recommend that the Executive Committee of the International S. S. Association be requested to furnish a series of S S. lessons, to continue one quarter, or more, bearing upon the principles of love and sacrifice as exemplified by the life of Christ, and those whom God has made prominent in past ages in the work of saving men; also a series setting forth the Bible plan of supporting the ministry. And we further urge that these lessons appear as soon as consistent with arrangements already made. MMM 404.11

10. That we urge upon all our ministers and Conference laborers the importance of becoming familiar with the work being carried on in the foreign fields, in order to be able to set the matter before our people in the proper light. MMM 404.12

11. That they take a special interest in the Sabbath-school, and tract and missionary work, becoming familiar with all the details, so as to give practical instruction on these important matters. MMM 404.13

C. H. Jones, for Committee. MMM 404.14

Under a motion to act upon each recommendation separately, recommendation one was adopted, number two and three were referred back to the committee for further consideration; four, five, and six were adopted; and number seven was under consideration when the hour for adjournment arrived. MMM 404.15

Adjourned to call of Chair. MMM 404.16

eighth day’s proceedings

Thursday, Oct. 25, 10:30 a. m. Prayer by A. T. Robinson. Minutes approved. Five more delegates joined the Conference. MMM 404.17

The Committee on Finance reported, an a substitute for recommendations two and three, referred back to them, the following:- MMM 404.18

Whereas, We recognize that the harvest is great and consecrated laborers are few, and the cause is languishing for devoted persons to fill responsible positions in all branches of the work; therefore we recommend,- MMM 404.19

2. That Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 19 and 20, be set apart as days of humiliation, fasting, and prayer, that God may raise up faithful laborers, and sustain those already in the field. MMM 404.20

3. That Sabbath, Dec. 22, be observed as a day of thanksgiving and praise to God for blessings and mercies received during the past year; and that praise services be held in all our churches. MMM 404.21

This substitution was adopted. The consideration of the original report was then resumed, and all was adopted. MMM 404.22

The educational secretary, W. W. Prescott, at the call of the Chairman, made a verbal report of his work in that department. He gave a brief but interesting review of the steps taken in different parts of the country to forward our educational interests, and to bring all into unity of action. MMM 404.23

The report was accepted, and the Conference adjourned to call of Chair. MMM 404.24

S. N. Haskell, Pres.
U. Smith, Sec.
(To be continued.)