Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



A model Sabbath school was conducted in the S. D. Ad-Church, Minneapolis, Sabbath morning, Oct. 27, by C. H. Jones. President of the International Sabbath School Association. The school was called to order promptly at 9 a.m. Three divisions were made viz.: Senior, Intermediate, and Primary or Kindergarten. The president took the charge of the first, Mrs. E. J. Waggoner the second, and Miss Lilly Affolter the third or Kindergarten work. MMM 386.10

Just fifteen minutes were devoted to opening praise service, when twenty minutes were given to class recitation in the different divisions. There were forty teachers chosen from the delegate, who are assembled from all parts of the missionary field. MMM 386.11

There were 44 classes organized, with about 350 pupils. Besides these over 50 became visitors to view the working of the school, especially in the intermediate and primary departments. Altogether the full attendance was between 450 and 500. MMM 386.12

Dr. E. J. Waggoner, of “Pacific Press, conducted the general review exercise in the senior division. Great interest was manifested by all. MMM 386.13

The lesson in the Intermediate Division was a review of the history of the Israelites from the beginning of their bondage in Egypt until their deliverance. The following were the main points impressed upon the children in the general review exercises. The Israelites were treated as slaves, scolded, and beaten. The children whom they loved were torn from their arms and cast into the River Nile. It seemed as though they had no friends and no hope. But there was one true Friend who saw their trials, heard their groans and cries, and pitied them, and in His own good time He caused all these things to work together for their good. MMM 386.14

One poor mother saw that no one on earth could help her, so she did all she could herself and then cried to God to save her child. God heard and answered her prayer by sending bright angels to watch over the little basket among the flags, where she had left her baby boy, and by directing the footsteps of Pharaoh’s daughter to the place. She found him (this was pictured on the blackboard), pitied him, and adopted him as her own son. He thus had the privilege of becoming a learned man. MMM 386.15

When God sent him to ask. Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go. Pharaoh said he knew not the Lord, neither would he let them go. God showed both him and the people who he was by sending the ten plagues. God let the king choose each time whether he would humble himself or receive the plague. But he resisted God, and the oftener he did this the harder it made his heart. But after the first-born were slain he let the Israelites go. MMM 386.16

The destroying angel knew which houses God’s people lived in. because there were spots of blood on their doorposts, and he “passed over” their houses and did not kill their first-born. MMM 386.17

That was a terrible time of trouble, but there will soon be a greater time of trouble the seven last plagues. But God’s people will be safe (Psalm 91:5-11). They will not have blood upon their door-posts, but the blood of Jesus applied to their hearts. MMM 386.18

We cannot wash the stain of sin away with anything in this earth (Jeremiah 2:22); Jesus alone can do it, and he will if we confess our sins and ask him to (1 John 1:9); he does it by washing it away in his own precious blood (Revelation 1:5). We cannot see him do it, but we know he does for he says so. MMM 386.19

The children were then begged to have this done and try to live every day so as to please Jesus, that when the trouble come they may be protected by the angels of God. and be delivered and taken to live with Jesus. MMM 386.20

The lesson for the little ones was the third day’s creation in advance and a review of the first and second days. The earth was represented by two small boxes of sand. The earth being covered with water and darkness was represented by covering the boxes with green and black French tissue paper. The creation of light was represented by white and of air by light blue. The gathering of the waters was was shown by gathering the green paper between the boxes and then placing a dish of water for the seas. The little folks then placed short twigs of evergreen for grass, larger twigs were placed in the boxes of sand for trees, and then they placed bright flowers here and there. As their little hearts throbed with pleasure at making this pretty spot they were led to see the beauty of the earth and the greater beauty of the earth when created. Then as God made it for a home for them how great was his love for them. MMM 386.21

VOL. 2. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., OCT. 30, 1888. NO. 9.

Tenth Day’s Proceedings