Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Sunday Oct. 21, 1888. MMM 364.4

The fourth meeting of the General Conference was called at the usual time, 10:30 a. m. MMM 364.5

Prayer by Elder R. A. Underwood. MMM 364.6

Minutes of last meeting read, and, with slight verbal changes, approved. MMM 364.7

The General Conference Association presented a financial report through A. R. Henry, the treasurer. MMM 364.8

The General Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists is an incorporated organization under the laws of Michigan, and is an auxiliary of the General Conference for the purpose of holding and transferring property. The report on finance showed that the Association had received from all sources for eight months up to Nov. 1, 1888, $26,634.58, including $1,250.61 on hand, It had paid out to ministers and others, $17,514.06 and for sundries $1,602.73, leaving a balance of cash on hand of $7,517.79. MMM 364.9

A printed statement of the mission finances in detail was circulated among the delegates and will appear in the Year Book. This statement showed that the indebtedness of the various foreign missions to the General Conference association, June 30, 1888, was as follows: MMM 364.10

Australian mission $947 83 MMM 364.11

(Due to the Pacific Press, $1,700) MMM 364.12

British mission 5,808 05 MMM 364.13

European mission 5,276 89 MMM 364.14

Scandinavian mission 4,283 13 MMM 364.15

South African mission 807 46 MMM 364.16

But this latter mission had at this date several thousand dollars to its credit in the International Sabbath-School Association. MMM 364.17

The present worth of the following missions were given: MMM 364.18

Central European mission $31,727 92 MMM 364.19

Australian mission 13,178 91 MMM 364.20

Scandinavian mission 10,774 52 MMM 364.21

The details of the printed statement were too many to be reproduced here. MMM 364.22

Motion to adopt the report resulted in the amending of the motion so as to refer it back to the treasurer. This was in order that the report might be made more complete. MMM 364.23

Motion and amendment carried. MMM 364.24

Report of the Foreign Mission Secretary was called for, and Elder W. C. White, the secretary, reported as follows: MMM 364.25