Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



third meeting, 10:30 a. m

Prayer by Elder Underwood. MMM 361.6

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. MMM 361.7

The chairman appointed as committee on delegates and delegates’ credentials I. D. Van Horn, H. Grant, P. H. Cady. MMM 361.8

The committee appointed last year to consider the purchase of a missionary ship reported as follows: MMM 361.9

Your committee, after thorough investigation on the Atlantic coast, find that a vessel of 100 tons, government measurement, built of white oak, with a cabin to accommodate sixteen passengers, thoroughly equipped and ready for sea, will cost between $8,000 and $9,000. Second-hand vessels of from 40 to 100 tons, from three to five years old, could be purchased at from $2,000 to $6,000. MMM 361.10

We find that on the Pacific coast a vessel of 75 tons, government measurement, built of Oregon pine, fully equipped and ready for sea, will cost about $8,000. With steam auxiliary the vessel will cost about $15,000 more. The cabin of this ship will accommodate about fifteen persons. MMM 361.11

Further than this, your committee learns that Elder A. J. Cudney, who was instructed by the General Conference committee to proceed with Brother J. I. Tay to Pitcairn Island as soon as possible, after seeking in vain to secure passage direct from San Francisco, sailed to Honolulu, from whence, after laboring a short time with the church at that place, he expected to sail to Tahiti, then to meet Brother Tay, who was to sail direct from San Francisco at the first opportunty, from whence (Tahiti) they hoped to find passage to Pitcairn Island. On reaching Honolulu and finding no means of transport, Elder Cudney accepted the offer of Brother N. F. Burgess, who proposed to purchase a schooner then offered at forced sale, if Brother Cudney would fit it up, man it, and use it in the missionary work among the islands of the Pacific. This schooner is 45 tons burden, and will accommodate ten persons besides the crew, and cost only $1,100. Brother Burgess makes no charge for the use of the vessel on this trip, and if desired will sell it to the conference for what it cost him. The cost of fitting up this schooner was about $900, which is to be returned to the conference, if the vessel is sold to other parties. MMM 361.12

Elder Cudney secured a crew consisting of a captain, mate, two sailors and a steward, and July 31, started for Pitcairn, calling at Tahiti to take on board Brother Tay, who sailed from San Francisco July 5. About the middle of September we leared incidentally that they had reached Tahiti, and we hope soon to hear of their safe arrival at Pitcairn Island. MMM 361.13

In view of these facts, your committee recommend that, if this vessel, after thorough examination, is found to be sound and well adapted to our use, it be purchased, according to the liberal offer of Brother Burgess, and used till the work demands a larger one. MMM 361.14

Clement Eldridge, MMM 361.15

C. H. Jones, MMM 361.16

A. T. Robinson, MMM 361.17

Committee. MMM 361.18

Moved by W. C. White that the report be adopted, seconded by A. T. Jones. MMM 361.19

W. C. White presented the difficulty of reaching Pitcairn Island; that it was almost impossible. The island was out of the regular route and captains of ships would not go out of their course on account of the responsibility resting upon them if loss should be incurred. The brethren seemed to be shut up to the purchase of this ship. Captain Eldridge, an old sea captain, stated that the repairs were in the way of rigging, the hull of the ship evidently being good. But before the ship is purchased, it should be tested. If the ship is sound it is a very cheap ship. The crew are a worthy crew, many of them being Sabbath-keepers. Brother C. H. Jones said that the report did not say that the conference should pay for the ship if they purchased it. The Sabbath School Association would like a part in the payment of the ship. The report was adopted. MMM 361.20

Reports from mission fields were called for. MMM 362.1

C. W. Olds spoke for Alabama. The canvassing work in Alabama was not as represented in Georgia and Florida. In the vicinity of Birmingham, in a district of manufactories and mines, where men were paid every month, there was a very good field for canvassers, as good as the North. There was no difficulty in taking orders, the difficulty was in delivering. But the people did not, many of them, have the stability that they did in the North. About one-half of the orders taken were delivered. But many books had been sold, as high an average as elsewhere, and were doing much good. The people are ready to listen to the truth. This was in Northern Alabama, in the mining district. MMM 362.2

Brother Rupert said that he had four years of labor in the South. Not being present last year, he could not give an account of his trip to South America, which began January, 1887. He stopped at different islands of the West Indies. About one-fourth of the people were white, the rest black. The prevailing religions were Roman Catholic, Episcopal (Church of England), and Protestant Methodist. The colored people were easily led. The people were eager for reading matter. Georgetown, British Guiana, is a beautiful town of 50,000 population, made up of a mixed class, black, white, and mongrel. The white people were a very fine class. The truth reached them in this way. Brother Braithwaite was a servant on a ship, and stopped at a port where he heard Elder Haskell preach. He began to obey God. Others were raised up. Brother Rupert organized a church of about thirty. But for lack of a leader they have gone backward, and some have given up. Some $700 worth of books were sold by Brother King in three months. There, and in the West Indies, was an excellent place for selling books. A canvasser should go there; at Barbadoes or St. Thomas Island would be an excellent place for headquarters. There are no duties on books, and rates of transportation were not high. MMM 362.3

Canvassing, Brother S. H. Lane said, was better in the South than in the North, Now is the time to occupy the field. Nearly $100 worth of books were sold in two tent meetings. MMM 362.4

Brother Rees indorsed all this as regards Tennessee. One canvasser delivered 85 books on 83 orders. MMM 362.5

Brother Henderson said that canvassing is an excellent thing in Arkansas. One canvasser took 70 orders and delivered 77 books, seven extra copies being sold. Indian Territory is now opening up favorably for the truth. MMM 362.6

Brother T. H. Gibbs indorsed what had been said as regards the canvassing work in Louisiana. A large proportion of the books are delivered. The work is going forward. It needs a longer term of labor to establish people in the South than in the North. There are now seventy Sabbath-keepers in Louisiana; five were keeping the Sabbath from reading the Bible alone. MMM 362.7

Many interesting incidents were given as the result of missionary labor, and the power of the truth and spirit of God on hearts. MMM 362.8

Adjourned to call of chair. MMM 362.9

Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 19th 1888.-2:30 p. m

The first meeting of the annual session of the International Tract and Missionary Society of Seventh-day Adventists was called to order at 2:30 p. m. by the President, Elder S. N. Haskell. After singing No. 1242 and prayer by W. C. White, the President inquired if there were present any delegates who had not handed in their names. Two responded. The question was asked “Are there any who wish to unite with the society?” The President then proceeded to instruct the society as to the object of the society, saying, “The local societies were first formed then the International. The purpose was to supply the distant points and poor fields through the International Society. The providence of God has been favoring us in sending our literature abroad, in securing free transportation by rail and boat. The President called attention to the importance of providing literature for the traveling public, emigrants, and those passing through our large western cities. How to secure the accomplishment of this object was a question of much concern. N. Y. City was referred to as a vast city and one important to occupy in our missionary work. MMM 362.10

New York has fifty-three regular vessel lines to as many different countries in the world, one hundred and sixteen to cities in the different states, and one hundred and ninety-nine local in their work. MMM 362.11

The President thought the headquarters should be located in New York City. MMM 362.12

He then called attention to the foreign work, remarking that large fields in the Old World had never been entered, that would be as fruitful as any we have entered, or even those in our own country. In Australia, the work was found to be going forward, also the work in South Africa. MMM 362.13

The President read some interesting facts concerning the rapid progress missions were making in the heathen countries, there being thousands of schools now found in connection with these missions. MMM 362.14

China, India, Fiji Islands and other fields were referred to as fields desirable to occupy. Those who had failed, as workers at home, were advised to stay at home and not think of going to these foreign fields. MMM 362.15

“Some of the 144,000 must come from all these fields,” said the speaker, “For God’s word cannot fail, and the angels of the Lord are interested in all these fields.” Many personal reminsences were presented to us to show how the providences of God was opening before us. It was clearly shown us that tracts were needed in many different languages. Some interesting relics were shown from Africa. MMM 362.16

The Secretary was called to make the annual report of labor. The report was of a very interesting and encouraging character. MMM 363.1

On motion the society adjourned to the call of the chair, MMM 363.2



VOL. 2. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., OCT. 22, 1888. NO. 3. MMM 364.3

Fourth Day’s Proceedings