Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The second meeting was called at 10:30 by the chairman. Prayer by Elder S. H. Lane. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. MMM 359.12

The chairman called for the report of the committee appointed to consider the matter of delegates and delegates’ credentials. MMM 359.13

That committee reported that on examination of the General Conference Constitution they found “that the Conference shall be composed of delegates from the State Conferences, of the officers of the Conference, and of such ministers as shall have been in the employ of the General Conference during any part of the year, and that such delegates may be elected by the State Conference or appointed by its executive committee, and we find no provision in the constitution for the reception of delegates not holding credentials. We would therefore report that it is the opinion of your committee that the conference cannot legally receive delegates not appointed as provided for by the constitution. MMM 359.14

And, Whereas, persons properly chosen to represent conferences and mission fields sometimes come to the conference without credentials in regular form, we would therefore recommend that a committee be appointed at the beginning of each conference to which all such cases be referred. It shall be the duty of this committee to examine the claims of all such applicants and recommend for seats in the conference all such as in its judgment are entitled to the same. MMM 359.15

“And we futher recommend that this committee shall select from the delegates at large persons to specially represent those fields that are not represented by delegates of their own election.” MMM 359.16

W. C. White, MMM 359.17

Dan T. Jones, MMM 359.18

A. T. Robinson, MMM 359.19

Committee. MMM 359.20

On motion, after a second reading, it was adopted. MMM 359.21

W. C. White moved, which was seconded, that a committee be appointed as provided for in the report. Carried. MMM 359.22

The action taken at the last session of the conference was referred to and the report concerning it was read, but as the committee was not able to get together during the year the matter was deferred. MMM 359.23

Reports of mission fields were called for, and Elder S. H. Lane reported for Georgia and Florida. He had no discouraging word to bring. The South was a hard field, but not the hardest. The people were poor, but generous and hospitable. The work had been broken up in Florida on account of yellow fever. A church had been organized in Atlanta during the last year, and endeavors were being made to support the mission there by canvassing. There were sabbath keepers enough in Georgia and Florida for a conference, and if the people were in Georgia it would be advisable to organize one, but Florida is a state of a very uncertain population, so that it would not tend to stability to organize. The tithe paid by both states was about $700 last year. A T. and M. Society and S. S. Association have been organized. Brother Lane stated that he had had no trouble with the color line. The South was an excellent canvassing field. A wise and faithful canvasser would do much more in the South than in the North. MMM 359.24

Elder J. M. Rees spoke for North Carolina. Three years ago the state was made a mission field. At that time there was a company which had been brought out through missionary work and correspondence by a sister in New York. His first season there he held two tent meetings and brought out two churches. There were now 80 sabbath keepers, mostly in the western part of the state. A tent meeting was held the present season by a North Carolina minister, supported by the friends of the cause in the state. A State T. and M. Society and S. S. Association was organized the present year. A good encouraging camp meeting was also held. Tithes were paid and a state treasurer was appointed who received them. MMM 360.1

Adjourned to call of chair. MMM 360.2

Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 16, 1888.-2:30 p. m

The first meeting of the Eleventh Annual Session of the International Sabbath School Association of Seventh-day Adventists was called to order by the President, C. H. Jones, of Oakland, Cal. After singing No. 1248 and prayer by M. B. Miller, the president made some interesting and encouring remarks. In the absence of the recording secretary Sister Waggoner, the corresponding secretary, was called to fill the vacancy. MMM 360.3

Brother Lane, from Georgia, then gave some interesting experiences on the Southern field. Brother Reese, from Tennessee; Brother Waggoner, from California; Brother Henderson, from Arkansas, and Brother Haskell, from England, gave some interesting facts concerning the new associations in Georgia and Florida, Tennessee, Australia and Arkansas. These associations, with aggregate of 590 mem-members, were admitted to the International Association. MMM 360.4

The secretary was called to read the resolutions passed at the last annual meeting. The importance of these resolutions was considered, with the statement that each state will be asked to say how far they have carried out the resolutions. The president reported the general outlook as very encouraging-never better-an advance in every feature of the work. MMM 360.5

No. of Schools-In June, 1877, we had 977 schools; in June, 1888, we had 1,067 schools, MMM 360.6

Scholars.-In June, 1877, we had 25,294; in June. 1888. we had 25,560. If all had roported it would show 30,000. One-half of the scholars are members of the church. Here we find a home mission. There are over 1,000 officers in our schools. MMM 360.7

Donations.-In 1887 the donations were $18,440.61; in 1888 the donations were $16,833.10. Donated to Africa during the year, $11,000. Donated to London mission first half of the year, $5,000. MMM 360.8

Extent of the Work.-We find schools scattered in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and the islands of the sea. Very interesting remarks were made upon the establishing of the schools in the islands. The work still reaches out. MMM 360.9

On motion, the president appointed the following standing committees: MMM 360.10

On Nominations-R. M. Kilgore, A. T. Robinson, A. J. Breed. MMM 360.11

On Resolutions-E. J. Waggoner, C. C. Lewis, M. C. Wilcox, M. B. Miller, W. W. Sharp. MMM 360.12

On Auditing, F. E. Beldon, M. H. Brown, A. D. Olsen. MMM 360.13

Several subjects to be considered: The Kintergarten, The S. School and the Home, Our present need. MMM 360.14

We must look ahead and prepare lessons for 1890. We have lessons prepared to submit to the committee for the year 1889. MMM 360.15

On motion the Sabbath School Worker, and Manual was referred to the Committee on Resolutions. MMM 360.16

On motion the Association adjourned to the call of the chair MMM 360.17



VOL. 2. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., OCT. 21, 1888. NO. 2. MMM 361.3

Third Day’s Proceedings

Friday, Oct. 19, 1888. MMM 361.4

At 9 a. m. Elder Waggoner continued his lessons on the law and gospel. The Scriptures considered were the fifteenth chapter of Acts and the second and third of Galatians, compared with Romans 4. and other passages in Romans. His purpose was to show that the real point of controversy was justification by faith in Christ, which faith is reckoned to us as to Abraham, for righteousness. The covenant and promises to Abraham are the covenant and promises to us. MMM 361.5