Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



At the invitation of a friend who had read our papers, we soon went to Alstrup, a small country place in the northern part of Jylland. Here we remained during most of the fall and winter. We made our home with the people, staying awhile with one family, and then with another. After a time we made arrangements with a gentleman to build a house which we could rent of him for a meeting-hall, with a small room in the second story for us to live in. Although perfect strangers when we came to the place, we had by this time gained a number of friends; and though they were not Sabbath-keepers, they hired this house, when finished, to hold meetings in for five years. HSFM 61.4

A remarkable interest was manifested by the people in this vicinity. In the busiest summer season they left their work and came to meeting at five o’clock in the afternoon, three or four times a week; and sometimes we had two meetings a day. For awhile we met in private houses. The largest ones in town were open to us, and the people would fill all the rooms, and gather about the doors. When these places became too small, we occupied the barns. On Sunday from a hundred and fifty to two hundred people would congregate, while the attendance at the church was sometimes only from six to twelve persons. HSFM 61.5

We held meetings also in many of the neighboring towns and villages, and the people would crowd together to hear the preaching. In some places I would stand on a box walled in by the crowd, leaning with one hand on the shoulder of the man who stood nearest, while I held the Bible in the other. Often my head reached nearly to the ceiling. The windows could seldom be opened, and the crowd would extend through the entrance hall and outside door, allowing but little circulation of air. HSFM 61.6

Only a few in the vicinity of Alstrup embraced the truth, though the people are still anxious to hear when I come into the place. HSFM 62.1