Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists




ON the 6th of June, 1877, we arrived in this place, a city in the southern part of Jylland. There being a few interested ones here, we hired a small room, 8x10, and visited the friends who lived in the vicinity. About fourteen miles from Vejle, I found three families keeping the Sabbath, while others attended the Sabbath meetings. I held several meetings here, and on Sunday about thirty came together, who gave good attention to the word spoken. HSFM 61.2

One Sunday I spoke in the Methodist chapel at Vejle, on the second coming of Christ. There was a large congregation, and the people were much interested; but this door was soon closed, and the leader was reproved by his superiors. I met so much opposition here, and had so little means, that I did not venture to hire a hall. During our stay at this place I published a small hymn book, which afterward proved very useful. HSFM 61.3