101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White


97. Inspired Writings without a Vision Source

Is there Biblical precedent for including in an inspired book information not provided by divine revelation in vision? QSEW 105.1

Yes. Paul wrote the Corinthians, “There is among you envying, and strife, and divisions” (1 Corinthians 3:3). But he was not shown this in vision. He was informed of this problem by the members of the house of Chloe. See 1 Corinthians 1:11. Yet we hold that 1 Corinthians 3:3 was written under inspiration. QSEW 105.2

Other passages, such as 2 Timothy 4:9-14, 19-21, were not revealed to Paul in vision, but they as surely form a part of the inspired record as anything else he wrote. QSEW 105.3

Likewise, in the case of The Desire of Ages, it is not necessary to believe that every fact mentioned in the book was first seen by Ellen White in vision in order to believe that the entire book came from a truly inspired pen. (See also question 98.) QSEW 105.4